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About olandrea

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  1. I also use normally Sedgwicks leather and their leather care, now for the first time I use Baker. Baker them self don't recommend any brand of leather care. The lather conditioner in your link has jojobaoil as ingredient. To be honest, I think there is no leather care with out some sort of oil in it.
  2. I got this info from Baker "J. & F.J Baker & Co. Ltd’s leathers are Oak Bark tanned for strength and durability. When they require cleaning or ‘feeding’ we recommend wiping with a damp cloth, applying saddle soap and buffing with a cloth or soft brush, before leaving to dry naturally. Please do not use oil based leather feeds as these displace the greases in the leather and cause the fibres to dry out and degrade. When you receive your leather it will likely have a whiteish residue of dubbin on the grain side. This can be removed with a soft bristled brush such as used to shine shoes. " What would be non oil based leather care? All I found have at least some oil in it. Thanks
  3. Hi I would like to sell my Krebs / Randall leathersplitter. The knife on this splitter is like new and was made by the German knife maker Schanz from Niolox steel which cost me 170€. The splitter is based in Germany but would ship world wide. 600€ plus actual shipping cost.
  4. Hi, what would be the equivalent in color and size to the Ritz 25 0.6mm JK7 from sajou linen cable? Thanks
  5. http://leatherworker...showtopic=50464
  6. Tiger thread also known as Ritza 25 this is very strong braided polyester thread which is waxed for hand sewing. Manufactured by German company Julius Koch. color: dark brown diameter: 1mm length: 500m 34$ plus shipping 6$ for standard shipping or 20$ for fast shipping paypal only Thanks Olaf
  7. If got a copy of the original technical drawings from the Krebs splitting blade and the angle is exact 20 degrees.
  8. Is there some interest in a new blade for your Krebs leather splitter? I have a top knife maker who will make me a new blade for my Krebs splitter after the original measurements. He will use hardened Nilox steel 1.415.03 this is the top steel for knife makers. You can search on the net for Nilox steel blades. It should be better than the original blade. This is a one time opportunity. The cost will be 220$ + actual shipping cost for one blade. 50$ down payment is necessary. If you have questions send me a mail.
  9. Bruce thank you for the info this helps. Do you mean I can still buy new blades from Campbell-Randall for my splitter? Any idea how much they are? Thanks Olaf
  10. No more help here with the measurements of the original blade and the screws? Thanks Olaf
  11. Thank you Bruce for you fast replay. That's what I thought about the blade. With the adjustment screw do you mean the screw which holding the blade? You are right the blade should be wider, the 3.5cm are to narrow. The splitter can't be used this way. Could you please provide me with the measurement from your blade? It look like I need a new one. Any ideas who could make me one? I guess this can't be longer bought of shelf. There are also two different screws witch one is the original on? And under the screw of the lever , should be there a washer? Thanks Olaf
  12. Hi, I got my hands on a old J.D. Randell Krebs style splitter and would like to know if the blade is original. It looks pretty messed up and is only 3.5cm wide and 1cm thick. I hope Bruce Johnson sees this because I know he has one of this. Here are some photos: Thanks Olaf
  13. If you look at Abbey Waxed "Ritza" Polyester for hand sewing 0.8mm JK21 brown 500m is 30.39 pounds and the Tiger Waxed Polyester 0.8mm JK21 brown 500m is 25.38 pounds. All is the same but the Ritza is 5 Pounds more expensive! The Ritza 44 is listed at Abbey as "Ritza" Polyester Braided Thread Silicone coated for machine sewing DKR01
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