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Everything posted by Johanna

  1. That's a good idea. When we set up the original forums we didn't anticipate the interest in all the "other machinery" you mentioned. (We didn't think we'd have 30,000 members either, but, hey, our coffee is always fresh and hot and people like it here.) Thank you for the suggestion. It's on the list. ~J
  2. I asked Kate, our highly skilled Server Administrator, to look into this also. And then she made some excellent suggestions that I will be following up on to try to get the very best performance out of our board. Thank you Kate and everyone else who is helping to transition our board into the latest and greatest! Keep the feedback coming! ~J
  3. until
    20th Annual Rocky Mountain Leather Trade Show in Sheridan, Wyoming http://leathercraftersjournal.com
  4. until
    Hosted by the Leathercrafters and Saddlers Journal in Wickenburg, AZ http://leathercraftersjournal.com
  5. until
    Hosted by Sheridan Leather Outfitters Pendleton is a very history-laden area with attractions such as Pendleton Woolen Mills, Underground tours of the former brothels, and Hamley’s. The Convention Center is adjacent to the rodeo grounds and is a large facility capable of handling some moderate growth in the show. We hope you will join us either as a vendor, student or show participant. We look forward to seeing you there! http://pendletonleathershow.com/
  6. until
    24th Annual Custom Boot & Saddle Makers' Roundup in Wichita Falls, Texas. http://bootandsaddlemakertradeshow.com
  7. I'm sorry you are having this problem, but I can't replicate it. Speed testing services show room for improvement, but in fractions of a second. I will continue to try to find a solution for your problem.
  8. I have tried every browser, several different computers and 2 different ISPs and always the board is faster now than it was before the update. On my computer it's point and click. Cascabel, there is not a lot of "garbage" loading in the background- actually a lot less is loading compared to the old board. What kind of computer do you have? Connection? What kind of browser do you use? Have you cleared your cookies recently? Anyone else experiencing slow page loading times? Almost all the mail to me mentions how much faster the board is now, so I am eager to troubleshoot the problem. Even during peak periods, no page is taking longer than 3 seconds to load for me. ~J
  9. Is anyone other than Cascabel experiencing slow loading of pages? I'm hearing that the board is much faster than it was, and it certainly is at my computer.
  10. You got me, Phil! Thanks for the kind words. I'm trying.
  11. I was doing a lot today, and am probably responsible for the sql errors. I'm just about done "under the hood", so I think these errors will go away. At one point today the whole server went down for a few moments. I think my heart stopped beating and I broke out into a cold sweat. I took off the mod that allows you to see your time spent on the forum. Some boards have members that get a kick out of knowing. I turned it on about 4pm yesterday, and off about the same time today. Unless you folks want it back, it's gone. The popups are intended to be a convenience. I will look for a way to allow members to use them or not. There may be a mod for that. The mobile skin is blue by default. I can put colors on it and make the icons spiffier, but I want to get the Gallery sorted and a couple odds and ends done first before I start skinning our phones. The favicon is back- but I had to hit F5 half a dozen times for my browser to figure it out. Give it time, and the cow will return. Please keep the feedback coming. I want this board to be flexible enough to let you use it your way, and easy enough to use that no one smashes their keyboard with a hammer. Let me know if you notice any errors or bad links. I'm pretty sure we're good, but I can always use the extra eyes. I know some folks don't like change, but there are many security improvements that came along with this update, and that alone is worth the hassle. You might get cooties from FB, but you won't get it from LW. As far as the speed goes- we're a lot faster at page loading than we were on the old board, and I'm not done optimizing yet. It should keep on improving. Let me know if you continue to have any issues with pages loading. ~J
  12. Will you mobile device users please check the board and make sure you are getting the mobile skin displaying correctly? I want to make sure that is working fine before Tapatalk goes on. Thanks!
  13. Forgot the favicon- fixed that. Shut off the "time spent" feature. Will continue to investigate speed issue.
  14. Thanks everyone for all your patience during the upgrade. Keep the feedback coming. We want the board to work for you, your way. Let us know what we can do to improve your experience. And check out the new chat room... hope you like it!

    1. Johanna


      Trox, click on the little balloon looking icon to the right of "view new content". That's a quick navigation menu and assistant. HTH

    2. Trox


      Ok, thank you Johanna. You hid that one well.

    3. shtoink


      There was an upgrade?


    4. Show next comments  39 more
  15. Got you and the other 4 people who PMed. Interesting trivia of the day: We have just over 1000 members with access to this NSFW area. `J
  16. Jason, got you the other day. Look down at the bottom of the main page for the NSFW section. ~J
  17. You're welcome! I'm going to put Tapatalk on for the users that prefer to use it, but not tonight because I'm really tired. LOL
  18. I'm doing some diagnostics and some tweaking. I'm the reason it's dragging at the moment. I'll be done in a few hours, and then all should be well. Thanks for letting me know.
  19. I got you Curley Fryes and the other 4 members that sent a PM in the last couple days. Anyone else want in, holler.
  20. I'm playing with the colors- trying to get an easy to read clear look. It may change 100 more times today.
  21. I'm playing with colors now. Gallery is back online (but not sorted yet!) and we have a new full-featured chat room! More to come...
  22. Johanna

    Warning Points

    The dots only indicate how long/active you've been on the board.
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