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Status Replies posted by Johanna

  1. Anyone else having issues with the forum's new colors ie: Grey on Brown, Grey on Pinky beige? It makes my eyes cross.

  2. Anyone else having issues with the forum's new colors ie: Grey on Brown, Grey on Pinky beige? It makes my eyes cross.

    1. Johanna


      You can change the theme (bottom of page on left side). We set a new record for traffic today- maybe that's why the site seemed slow. I'm not a "web designer" and I don't play one on TV.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. Most members ever online in one day was 1164, last accomplished on 02 Oct 2012.

  4. Thanks everyone for all your patience during the upgrade. Keep the feedback coming. We want the board to work for you, your way. Let us know what we can do to improve your experience. And check out the new chat room... hope you like it!

    1. Johanna


      Trox, click on the little balloon looking icon to the right of "view new content". That's a quick navigation menu and assistant. HTH

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  5. Thanks everyone for all your patience during the upgrade. Keep the feedback coming. We want the board to work for you, your way. Let us know what we can do to improve your experience. And check out the new chat room... hope you like it!

    1. Johanna


      The more you participate, the more dots you get under your name. The board does that automatically.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  6. Thanks everyone for all your patience during the upgrade. Keep the feedback coming. We want the board to work for you, your way. Let us know what we can do to improve your experience. And check out the new chat room... hope you like it!


  8. WOW, this is fun trying out all the new bits - Love this color too!

  9. I did however notice that clicking on images still isn't working...but I know you're working on it so NO PRESSURE! JUST FYI from here.

  10. Please let me know if something isn't working properly. I am working on appearances.

    1. Johanna


      That's still there! Click on your name, top right, and go to your profile. Click "edit profile" to change or add info. Profiles, signatures and pics are available to all members.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  11. You go away for a day and everything changes while you're gone. It'll take some getting use to, but so far I like it. Keep up the good work Jo.

  12. I did however notice that clicking on images still isn't working...but I know you're working on it so NO PRESSURE! JUST FYI from here.

  13. Please let me know if something isn't working properly. I am working on appearances.

    1. Johanna


      Click on "view all updates" to see everything in the queue.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  14. Please let me know if something isn't working properly. I am working on appearances.

  15. When I print out a page from this forum it is right aligned, how do I change it to normal printing (left aligned)

  16. When I print out a page from this forum it is right aligned, how do I change it to normal printing (left aligned)

  17. Someone please remind me how to view my messages. I can't seem to remember how to get to them,

  18. Someone please remind me how to view my messages. I can't seem to remember how to get to them,

  19. Looking for the Pine Cone tutorial. Anybody? Thx.

  20. Have you noticed that now there is a box sizing gizmo for the ‘Add Comments’ box that makes it bigger and smaller, so you can see everything you are writing? Thank You Johanna for everything you do! ……Now we need one for the main Recent Status Updates box

  21. Have you noticed that now there is a box sizing gizmo for the ‘Add Comments’ box that makes it bigger and smaller, so you can see everything you are writing? Thank You Johanna for everything you do! ……Now we need one for the main Recent Status Updates box

  22. so many leather tools, so little time to use them...

  23. so many leather tools, so little time to use them...

  24. finding out how much of a loss I have on my hands shop burned the day after mom and dad left to go home to NM.

  25. finding out how much of a loss I have on my hands shop burned the day after mom and dad left to go home to NM.

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