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About retiredff

  • Birthday 03/21/1949

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  • Gender
  • Location
    SE of Indy
  • Interests
    Family, Fishing, Corvette, camping, Gardening.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    knife sheaths, wallets
  • Interested in learning about
    making sheaths, various stamping and carving tools and wallets
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. A good resource for blue jean material is good will. Heading there now... THX for the tip.
  2. I know this ia an old thread but: I most likely have most of these for sale on eBay now. Just look for VTG Craftool pre '64
  3. How hot is just past non-magnetic? Can I do this with bottle LP torch?
  4. great idea with the turnbuckle, I will steal it!
  5. Fantastic!
  6. retiredff


    There is a set on ebay now that is with another set of regular alphabet stamps! The bidding ends SOON (less than 18 hours from now) https://www.ebay.com/itm/VINTAGE-lot-of-2-CRAFTOOL-LEATHER-1-2-HAND-STAMPING-SETs-8142-8130-alphabet/112659985487?hash=item1a3b0ef44f:g:3ioAAOSwk~ZaHEHS
  7. I search ebay for french edgers. I look for the widest I can find and they work great for skiving when sharp.
  8. You may have been the one that wrote the comment in post I asked about. I have some rusted tools I'll experiment with.
  9. must be a tough question.
  10. Saw this on tube. To print out a tooling pattern and print it on tracing paper at the same time to reduce a step; Use rubber cement or a light holding glue and attach the printer paper to the tracing paper for support, I suppose you could use heavy card stock as long as your printer will handle it but both pieces must be the same size or trimmed. Then print ON THE TRACING paper your pattern, separate the 2 papers and transfer your pattern to your cased leather the usual way with a stylus.
  11. That looks really good. I have not tried just the antique paste. Good idea!
  12. retiredff


    I see them on ebay occasionally. search for craftool alphabet stamps
  13. I like that. Are they for sale?
  14. +1 on the airbrush!
  15. I have 2 knives from Terry Knipschield, the French model and the pull cut model 1. Both are really nice knives and really sharp!
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