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    saddlery and tack, holsters

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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    googled a question about sinew

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  1. Thanks, Troy. They've got that at the hardware store so I love an easy answer.
  2. Hey all. I got a project. I make purses. There's this one place where I need to glue an edge onto the liner, and then later sew that edge onto my leather. If my needle hits a spot on the glue, it tends to freak out. Can any of you recommend a type of glue that doesn't bother your needle if you sew into it a bit? Thank you!!!!
  3. Thank you for the good laugh! I just got half my work returned from my client because you could see everywhere I marked the back with a Sharpie. I couldn't find my pen, so I used a Sharpie. Who would've thought that would be a $600 dollar mistake? So thanks for the laugh. We all make mistakes.
  4. THanks, JReeser. I'll look up the thread exchange.
  5. Hi all - I don't know the applications for when you want to use poly or nylon (or something else.) I just sewed up a leather halter the other day and used poly. Was that right? Also, these chaps will be hair on hide.
  6. Hi - interested in the patterns.
  7. Dwight - - Thank you. That Naugahyde idea of yours is brilliant.
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