Bought this book at my local Tandy Store. I probably wouldn't have picked it up only my wife was with me. I had made her a tote bag and she took an interest in several of the bag projects depicted in the book. I liked the fact that the book contained separate patterns for each of the bag projects. Only when I got home did I discover that there are a lot of "gaps" in this book. This is not meant to be a ranting negative review of this book. My biggest criticism is that the author never gives the recommended leather thickness for any of the projects. Also there seems to be a lot of information left out of the step-by-step instructions. I consider myself an intermediate leather worker (I'm in my 5th year of the craft) but I would still like to know the weight of leather to be used for a project. I was just wondering if anyone out there has used this book and would be willing to share their opinions, particularly on how they worked around any of these issues.