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    Charlotte, NC
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    Leather Working

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    Halters, Belts, Leashes
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  1. We are in the middle of selling off the inventory of a leather mfr. company which was in business for over 60 years. He only purchased high end hardware (North & Judd, Rivets from Germany, etc.) you can visit some of our other posts and get the whole story. You can click the ebay link below to begin getting a feel for what we have and there is a .pdf on our other post. Let me know if we can help. Thank you. https://www.ebay.com/itm/192829587394
  2. Haha..... funny. No, he actually had a manufacturing plant, about 15 inside employees and 5 more that traveled across the SE selling this stuff to all sorts of hardware stores, tack shops, stables, etc. His business was known as D&W Leather out of Gastonia, NC. There are still internet listing about his company.
  3. Well, I tried figuring out Wordpress and it seemed like WIX was going to be a quicker learning curve for me, so I put everything there so far. The website to see all the pictures so far is: https://scottgardner4.wixsite.com/leather It has my contact info and about 150 pictures so far. We will be getting the other stuff sorted (well, some of it) this week and put up. Thanks to everyone who sent in messages and Phil for coming by.
  4. You are awesome.....thank you. Am heading there now to set that up.
  5. So, we have gotten the first bit organized and photographed. Due to size limitations, I can not post the pictures up here. I am going to have to find a better way to get the information available and am open to suggestions. As far as pricing goes, we are committed to being the cheapest available. We are researching prices through distributors as quickly as we can, but it takes a ton of time because there is so much. If you see anything on the list we posted, let me know what you are interested in and how much. I will get on your request immediately. And just to say this, because we have been incredibly low-balled in some notes....we are not giving it away so that someone else and turn around and screw over others by selling it for 10x more. My wife is putting it on eBay under her account name of Onlinebiz11. Here is a link to her store lists (if it takes) https://www.ebay.com/usr/onlinebiz11?_trksid=p2047675.l2559. Some of her halters will show up. You can click on that and then go to her store from that listing. Oh, did I mention there are over 900 Valhoma horse halters still in this building? Not to mention all the extra horse stuff.......anyone know a good tack shop looking to make a deal on some halters? Thank you to all.
  6. Good morning, First, thanks for checking this post out. Yes, we have some machines, mostly rivet machines (big stand up units), there is a Western Punch Out machine with 4 dies, a few ID machines. Lots of work tables, a dipping tank, 55 gallons of a leather conditioning compound that this fella had specially made just for his company (actually had a contract with the chemical company that they could not even talk about it with other customers). My wife has a listing and I am including it below. She told me the prices are just what she pulled off of eBay (which tells me they are highly negotiable). As far as the hardware, we are selling it however it moves out the door. IF someone wants just one item, great! If someone wants to buy it all, even better. But either way, we want to sell it. I am currently trying to find out what all these items are (just to determine a baseline value) so we can intelligently price it to sell. This company was in business for over 60 years and we have not gotten halfway through listing the hardware that is here. But, hopefully by weeks end we will have it all up. Leather Equipment Brochure - Pictures and Pricing.pdf
  7. We bought a building which used to be a leather working shop. The hardware, equipment, hides, everything was part of the deal .....soooooooooo, we are selling it! There are literally thousands upon thousands of pieces. Here is a link to the first 150 photos put up. We will have an actual itemized list in the next couple of days. https://photos.app.goo.gl/6AQnKmtRNPHeQ2V89 Here is the listing in .pdf format.... thanks for looking. Leatherworker Hardware list.pdf
  8. Noticed you had an older post about surplus saddlery supplies.  Did you sell it all?  We are a small mom and pop business looking to restock.  email if possible rtahuna2@yahoo.com,  

  9. Thanks for the note. Our double shoulder's are all 8-9 oz. There are a couple of un-opened leather rolls, but one is black and the other is reddish so we have not bothered with them. There are 1,000's of D-Rings, 100,000's of rivets, 1,000's of buckles, not as many snaps but a good bit (dozens), there is also quite a bit of other stuff (name plates, chains, cattle and horse leads, etc.) Let me know what size of d-rings yo uare looking for and what sizes rivets, etc. and I will shoot some pictures for you. Thanks for the note.
  10. Thanks for the note. Yes we do. We have been very busy with our "real" jobs so we have not been able to work on this as much as we should, but we still have a lot of the hardware, half the machinery and 20-22 double shoulders. I don't know what you were interested in, but let me know and I can get you additional photos if wanted. Thanks.
  11. Terry, No worries. We will be loading more items all weekend and if there is anything you see, let me know and I am sure we can get together on it.
  12. Ron; Good evening. First let me apologize for not explaining the sample I sent a bit better. We have some piece cuts, but not much in the thicker (8/9 oz) size and I do not want to start cutting up the full hides for samples so I send out pieces of the other leather which is already cut. I honestly did not know the thickness until you wrote in and said it was a 5 oz. I should have looked through the pile a bit more carefully to ensure I found a thick piece for you. I have attached a photo to show the thickness of the full double shoulders. They are all in the 1/8" (8/9 oz) thickness. Shortly after we spoke last week, we received a set of gov't PO's and have just now come up for air. It is 11:30 pm and it is probably to late to give you a call. If you are free tomorrow, give me a shout at your convenience, I should be in the office by 9:00 am and good all day. I look forward to hearing from you. Also, here is the beginnings of the hardware web-site. I will continue getting more up, but this will at least give you an idea of where we are at on it.: http://scottalangardner.wix.com/leather-and-hardware
  13. why send me a phone number and not answer

    1. goldstamping


      Still a bit confused. I thought I had returned all the phone calls we received. Give me your number and I will be glad to call you tomorrow if that works for you. I am not going to make excuses, I just really thought we had returned all the calls.

    2. thunter9
  14. Thunter9; Good morning. I apologize for not contacting you directly, I answered your question when asked by someone else and just got my emails messed up and thought it was to you. The Double shoulders are $75. As to the hardware, we have had so much interest that we decided the best thing to do was put the items on a WIX website so that we could better show what is here. As I have mentioned, we have thousand's of pounds of this stuff and not being in the business, I do not know what it is all called and I found myself spending hours looking through boxes for a particular piece someone asked me about. The pictures are taken and they will start going up this afternoon. I will post a link to it it, but it may not be complete for days, but you will be able to check back and see the updates as they occur. Hope this helps, and please understand, we have been blown away by the response and because it is not organized by item, size, brass or nickle, etc. it is a tough task. Thank you, Scott
  15. Dear OLDNSLOW; Yes it is for real, but it does take me some time to get back to this as it is not my full time job. I own a company which has nothing to do with this that takes up 12-16 hours a day, I hope you can understand, that this is something I am trying to work on when I can come up for air from what I have to do. The double shoulders have been selling at $75 per piece and there are currently approx. 29 left, along with a bunch of cut pieces. I do apologize for the delay, please bare with me as we are truly swamped by the response we have received. Thank you.
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