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About tassiespirit

  • Birthday January 16

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  • Location
    Tasmania, Australia
  • Interests
    Bass guitar, leather work, silver jewellery making.

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  1. Thank you Eric , that helps me too.
  2. A firm stable platform to work on is always the way to go. There seems to be a very slight height difference from your new bench to the sewing machine foot or is it just the angle of the photo of around 1/2" or so ?! I guess that is up to the user how much height or no height you would want there, very good. Cheers Allan
  3. Hi Grumpy, I 'm no expert but I do my own Bass guitar straps which are 3" wide. Once you allow for your seem and/or boarder you will know the width of area for your design. Go to search on your browser and type in "western flora leather guitar strap patterns" then click on images you will have lots to choose from straight off the Net. Right click on the image and "save image as" to your PC for reference. You can put in names or even do double boarders to "fill in" wider straps, it's up to you. Have fun...... Allan P.S. No, these straps are none of mine, I pass them on as soon as I make them; these are borrowed off the Net.
  4. Cool idea, my wife is always misplacing hers. Well done.
  5. Here is a manual, if that helps you decide.................http://www.manualslib.com/manual/522815/Singer-Centurion-121c.html?page=42#manual
  6. There is much to think about, but another thing is what does the customer want? Does he/she want a wallet that is heavy solid and strong or softer thinner and easy to place in the pocket( and which pocket - pants or jacket). i.e. who is your target market? It is easy to say here is my item, but then to find out that is not what the buyer wants in your area. It takes time and effort to get the message out there and get feed back. Also, maybe the way you present your wallet to them helps, like wrapped in tissue paper and placed in a correct sized box ( yes it adds to the cost) but will show the customer that you respect what you make - it's one of a kind, hand made heirloom. Well , it could be but I think you get my drift there. I am only doing stuff as my health will let me and it is low end stuff and limited runs. In other words sold little but I have gotten some great feedback.
  7. Try this - Heavy Weight TEX Metric Far east Needle T-60 50 M50 110 / 18 T-80 36 M36 120 / 19 T-105 27 M27 125 / 20 T-120 25 M25 130 / 21 T-135 20 M20 140 / 22 T-150 18 M18 160 / 23 T-180 14 M14 180 / 24 T-240 12 M12 200 / 25 T-300 8 M8 230 / 26 P.S. 135 equals 138 (American) Allan - Tassie
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