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Everything posted by Quillleather

  1. I am going to re design the belt loop on the back. There is too much stitching. I plan to simplify.
  2. My last Dobie should have been named Houdini because he was able to back out of his harness. True Story. Thanks for the advice. I Appreciate it.
  3. I Used about an 8/9 oz leather, 3.6 mm, so 7.2 mm overall thickness with both layers. I punched the adjustment holes at every .75 inch because the store bought collars in the past seem too always be either too big or too small with their 1 inch spacing. With a dobie they can back out of the collar if too loose or choke if too tight due to the tapered neck head snout. The smaller spacing helps with this problem. I actually used standard tandy 3mm pricking irons to punch all the stitching holes on this. It does start to get a little tough due to the thickness but works fine. The main thing is keep the punch straight up and down, just a little angle and the stitching will be crooked on backside. You can use a small drill press to alleviate this problem too. Consistency seems to be key. Whatever you do, do it the same way repeatedly.
  4. Buckle and D-ring are from Tandy
  5. Yep, it think he is quite proud. I think he is quite proud, I meant..
  6. The collar is upside down in the pic, but I turned it over the right way now. You get the idea anyway.
  7. So I was at kohls the other day looking at their wallets. None of them passed for my own personal quality standards. I like a heavier leather and thread. Something that will last forever, not one year. And yours, I think, looks great as is . Beautiful work.
  8. They are single cap so the backside/ inside is very flat. And the holster is designed to fit a phone that is already in a magpul protective case. Since I made this for myself I didn't line it for protection from rivets. That all being said, if I was going to make one for someone else I probably would line the inside for scratch protection. Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it!
  9. Finished this iPhone holster today. Made to accept phone that has magpul cover already on it. Double protected. Phone Can be charged without removing from holster. I like how it looks with phone lit up from the front.
  10. I usually have been using tandy thread because they are close to my house, convenience. But I had the sinew sitting there and figured May as well use it. I will look into texas threads tho, thanks for the advice!
  11. Here is an in progress pic. Will try to get a pic of it completed tomorrow.
  12. Used standard daubers from tandy to fade this. Did light coat of mahogany over the whole thing, then come back with Scarlett red concentrating on center area. Then work around the edges some more with the dark mahogany . Alternate back and forth with the two colors until you are happy. Keep the lighter color in center and darker towards edges.The colors bleed into each other and create a faded appearance.
  13. Finished this tonight. Stitched with artificial sinew Dark mahogany stain
  14. Thanks! Glad you like it. It gets compliments when I am out and about like, "where did you buy your iPad case, I love it". Then I have the pleasure of saying I handmade it. Lol. The flag was traced and then cut in to the leather using a swivel knife, then I spent a late night hand painting and airbrushing the dye colors on. It all gives the illusion of the flag waving.
  15. Thanks! Unfortunately I can not claim the idea. We were at Hobby Lobby and they had a cheaper version of this and my mom liked it, I said , I can make you a better one... We picked out a piece of leather with a lot of grain at tandy.... And this one was born. I am happy with how it turned out.
  16. Thanks,
  17. These are fairly easy to make. Was meant as a survival fishing kit, not for daily use. Fish hooks and line, sinkers, etc. are placed under the Velcro pads. The Velcro holds everything in place until such time they are needed.
  18. Thanks, the retention strap works as advertised, but if you try it, don't expect to be doing any quick draws! It will get better with use, but my main purpose was retention on this one.
  19. Thanks, it was made for my mom. She enjoys showing it off to people in her art classes in Arizona. Should last her many years.
  20. The jewels are the rivet type. The front is lined with black pigskin to cover the rivets on the inside so they don't scratch the gun. My wife doesn't really go to the range and practice so drawing the gun repeatedly is not really an issue. Mostly used for daily wear and to look pretty like girls want. Thanks for asking!
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