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anne newkold

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Everything posted by anne newkold

  1. We have started a new leathercraft guild in Kansas. We are the Wheat State Guild. We meet the second Sunday of the month in Derby, KS at 3 pm @ the Derby Dillons Marketplace community room. We were formed in July 214
  2. I just wanted to let everyone know that we have a new guild in KS. We are the Wheat State Leather Guild. We are currently meeting second Sunday of the month at the Derby Dillons Marketplace community room from 3 pm to 6 pm. We do have a facebook page and my contact info is Annenewkold@gmail.com or 316-217-2641 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1508259379406270/
  3. Attached is a photo of a project that James Giegan in KY and I have been working on in honor of of Veterans. Our way of giving a little back to those who serve Our country. This one is a prototype of the project that James did as mine is still in progress. It is a fully extreme embossed Eagle. Each of us doing this project will be donating them to VA hospitals of our choice. We are inviting all leather crafters to join us on this project. Thus far we have 3 other people who have said they will be joining us on this project. James Giegan drew up the patterns and has been writing instructions on the tooling and assembling of the parts. If you would like to join us on this project please contact off list either myself @ annenewkold@gmail.com, James Giegan @ jdgeigan@yahoo.com or Sandi @ inquiry@sbearstradingpost.com for a copy of the pattern and instructions. Standing Bears Trading Post has offered a discount for supplies to do this project for those who join us. -- Anne Newkold
  4. Here are two views you wont see once it is hung on a wall at the proper height. but I wanted to share how far off the back leather the Eagle sits.
  5. Thank You for Your Service to Our Great Country. I am dedicating my Military Tribute Leather Carving in honor of My Grandfather Richard Newkold, - Army during WWII. My Grandfather Jack Moore, - Navy on the Aircraft Carrier York Town during WWII. My Father Robert Newkold, Uncle Richard Newkold, Uncle Charlie Keller, Uncle Jim Keller, and Uncle Tom Keller - Marine Corp. My Uncle Ray Kline, Uncle Frank Graser, Uncle Larry Keller, Uncle Bill Keller, Uncle Joe Keller and Uncle Jerry Keller - Army. My Uncle Charles Moore - Air Force. My Cousin Douglas Keller currently serving - Army. My Brother in law Ron Johnson - Navy. For my Framily & Friends Deanna Hutsell- Shear - Marine Corp Reserves James Geigan - Army Adam James Heitman - Marines Dennis Asberry - Marine Corp Donnie Hayes Schno Mozingo - Navy Riley Cornelius – Army Tim Delano – Navy Gerry Beaver – Army Airborne Michael Lee Griffin – Army Anita Parthemer Lally, USAF 1959-1961. Joseph Lally, USAF retired 1959-1980 Vietnam Vet Doyle Haynes US Army, Desert Storm Arthur Escoe, USAF retired Wayne, Ed & Earl Parthemer Paul, Bill Lally and Ed Hobbs If you are on Facebook: PLEASE SHARE THIS PICTURE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW WHO SERVED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES. Please feel free to tag them in this picture or share the link to this Tribute with them or if you would like to just mention them in the comment section, please do so! PLEASE Share the link on any Military support page! Like my page to stay in touch for future Tribute Leather Carvings. Thank you Annette (Anne) Newkold Newkold’s Leather Emporium
  6. I was contacted by a friend on Facebook that made this inquiry to me. I do not have a blue gun or any access to a gun of this model to make a custom holster for him since I am in CA. If anyone is local to him please contact him off list at the email address below. Here is the information he had provided me: I need a new gun belt. Barrel 6 1/2 inches.middle hole for buckle 38".24 cartridge loops for .22 Heritage Roughrider. Plain/Light brown. What is the price? Location: Arkansas-72023 Contact info: hbarkley88@yahoo.com
  7. I am getting ready to lace a 3 ring binder. I was wondering if anyone had used the Mexican round braid to do one. Was the braid to stiff for the angle of the folds of the covers?
  8. Just wondering if any one reported this loser to facebook? I blocked him.
  9. For those who may not be familiar with who Al Shelton is Al Shelton is a Master Leather carver, Al Stohlman award winner. Al worked with all of the following Art Mediums: Leather Art, leather working custom toolmaker, sculptor and visual art working with watercolors, oils and acrylic paintings and art teacher & author, and singer. He also did several doodle pages, pattern packs (Operation Leather is one of my favorite pattern packs). Our local guild had the extreme pleasure of having Al attend our guild meeting last Sunday @ Standing Bear's Trading Post. He shared with us of his history, Al even sang a few songs for us while he played Wayne's guitar. Al took the time to look over the members present current projects and offered some of his advise. for those who may not be familiar with some of Al Shelton's work it can be viewed @ http://www.artisanstudioworks.com/westernartistalshelton.html His bio is near the bottom of the page. Here is a very little know fact, while on a set for a John Wayne movie, Al Shelton taught Ricky Nelson a few chords on the guitar. A list of Stars that Al did some work for are also listed in his bio. Again, if you are unable to attend this celebration, please consider sending a card. Thank you!
  10. Selling my Pro Series Swivel knife to help pay for the damage done to my truck when someone hit it and ran last Friday morning. I hate to have to let it go but with the huge repair bill I don't have a choice. Hope it finds a good home. I will be listing some patterns soon. Here is the link to my ebay auction http://r.ebay.com/i5FUnT
  11. Very impressive
  12. Anything that has to do with a sewing machine, best person to talk to about ANY kind of sewing machine is Steve. He knows the ins and out on everything from home machines to heavy duty leather machines. Even if you don't buy from him he know what he is talking about and how to service them! 1 866 962 9880 http://leathermachineco.com/
  13. What is your email address? So I can send pictures

  14. Thanks will send pictures tonight when I get home. THANKS!!!!

  15. I am wanting to do a Family picture 2 shews for Christmas for many of my family. The closest I am able to come up with a picture is missing 3 people. I need some one who knows what they are doing to add those 3 from two other pictures. Is there anyone here who can do this for me with out charging an arm and a leg?
  16. Thanks! X-1 and skidmores
  17. Finished up two more fair projects today. One to go by morning hopefully.
  18. Been a while since I posted many projects on here. Here is one of my latest purses.
  19. Thanks Kate, I may just have to call him if I don't find one soon.
  20. Here it is!
  21. I did contact George, waiting for a response. Of the customers I remember from when I worked at Hide Crafter that would have ordered some for sale no one has one left as of yet. Still waiting on a few replies.
  22. Does anyone have a PX008 Geer Braid stamp? Hide Crafter use to carry them but Ron told me they have been discontinued.
  23. In search of a PX008! anyone got one they don't use?

    1. CitizenKate


      Call Barry King, he makes them.

  24. Thanks for adding me Peter!

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