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anne newkold

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Everything posted by anne newkold

  1. Here is where to get your thread. Artisan Sewing Suppiles 6470 Corvette Street, Commerce, CA 90040 U.S.A. Toll Free: (888) 838-1408 - Toll Free Fax: (866) 838-1508 International Tel: 01-323-838-1408 - Fax: 01-323-838-1508 E-Mail: artisansew@aol.com
  2. Second Tutorial on Matters and Backgrounders by Robert Beard of Pro Series Tools was posted today. If you missed the one of Bevelers there is a link at the bottom to it. http://robertbeardtools.com/educational.html
  3. From the many saddle makers that come into the store what I hear repeatly is to take a product like lysol and spray down the whole thing let it dry this process may take a couple times as you have to kill the emzymes that cause the mold first before oiling it. If you just use an oil with Fungisides in it that will prevent new mold, but with out killing the old mold first the mold will return time and time again.
  4. I have a few of those books by that publisher that I bought through a woodworking place yrs ago. Same patterns as in my Architecture wood carving patten book as in those. Scoll saw patterns work great for silhouette carvings
  5. Due to The Leather Crafter's and Saddler's Journal holding the copyrights to several of the articles that will be posted on the site with their permission, my only suggestion is to call them and request the issue if it is available or article . After those have been posted, when he writes new ones, that may be an option. http://leathercraftersjournal.com/Back_Issues.html U.S. and Canada 1-888-289-6409 or if calling from outside the U.S. please call 1-715-362-5393 Anne
  6. Just wanted to let everyone know that a new Tutorial page has been added to http://robertbeardtools.com/index.html This is the first of many to come so you might want to check back with the site from time to time. http://robertbeardtools.com/educational.html Anne
  7. I am pretty sure that Jeff at Grey Ghost Graphics has been away from his shop for several days. He had a gig in NC and possibly to teach a class while there also. I have a few of his templets and a makers stamp by him that I love. Anne
  8. Yes, there is Pre Show classes before this years IFoLG show. the following are scheduled at this time to teach pre show classes although they haven't been officailly anounce yet but I know because I am on that committee. Robert Beard, Rene Berends, Barry King, Roz Koahn and Chuck Smith. All the classes should be out to the guilds in early May. Anne
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