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anne newkold

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Everything posted by anne newkold

  1. This was a very fun and easy class. Have plans to use this technique on some other projects now. Wayne is a great teacher, if you get the opportunity to take one of his classes you should. by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAYNE!
  2. Now wait a minute Clay the nursery rhyme goes : "and the cow jumped over the moon" now just how do you think he got over it? buffalo and cows just have to have feathers or that just couldn't happen!
  3. sent you an add request! Anne CA_kitn http://www.myspace.com/leather_n_roses
  4. Diamond shaped tool, Who made it? Looks like a Bob Beard but I could be wrong. Bruce, Was the other saddle you are speaking of Leather by WC's?
  5. Very nice! The whole set looks great!
  6. Angled vs. Straight - personal preference. Advantage to a Straight blade is that you do not have to strop it as often as you can turn the blade around and use the other side before stropping. Unless your like me and I do not tend to lean the knife far enough to not catch the edge of the blade when I am making turns so an angled blade works well for me. then there is blades called filigree and or detail blades which are much thinner than normal blades. these are used for things like Sheridan carving where the lines are very close together (or at least I use it for this) carving small letters or in places a larger blade will not work. blades come in several different lengths and widths. Also some knife makers blades only fit in their knives so sure to make sure if you are just buying a blade that it will fit the knife you are using. Hopefully this will help you out some till someone with a better way of explaining things will post
  7. I got my first pair of chaps I ever made back yesterday that I had entered in the show. I was very surprised and thrilled to see I had got 3rd place in the open division. Since they were my first pair I really was not expecting anything, but wanted to enter them for the critique. never think your stuff is not good enough to enter, we are all our own worse critics. Anne
  8. I have always been told that you need to water down the acrylics and use multiple layers so that the color actually penetrates the leather until you get the desired results.
  9. anne newkold

    Maker stamp

    Jeff Mosby made mine too
  10. Recently I have been surprised at how many others I have been finding on both Myspace and Facebook. Some times you can get to know them better or even see more of that persons leather work in their photos albums on them. Does anyone else out there have an account on either of these that I just have not found you yet? On face book I am Anne Newkold On Myspace it is http://www.myspace.com/leather_n_roses Bob Beard's Myspace is http://www.myspace.com/proseriestools (for those of you who don't know I do Bob's Website and his myspace so it is OK that post them) It's cool to have friends on there that are Leather related and support and promote the craft.
  11. Depends on the mood and what I am tooling. Deep beveling - Metal, Tchaikovsky - 1812 overture, other classical pieces , tracks from the Disney movie Fantasia (both) needing a soft touch- Native American Flute music general tooling - rock: hard, metal, oldies, alternative, grunge, a little bit of country new or old
  12. http://www.dafont.com try this site
  13. anne newkold


    I had talked to Eric not too long ago at Hide Crafters. They about have the updating on all the pricing done. they have their new logo on the website. When pricing was changing they went to sending out catalogs with out the pricing in them and had an additional price sheets. When the new owners took over, there were many changes. If you look through an old catalog and think about how many items are in it and having to talk with all the vendors of them to get things back fully stocked and current pricing on everything since everything from metals, petroleum products, leather went up as we all know. This all takes time to do. Plus all the new products that they want to offer. I think that all of this has taken more time than they expected it to. But I think that once it is out we will be pleased with what they have to offer and yes from what I understand they plan to offer on on line ordering. Ron and everyone at Hide Crafters are a great bunch to work with and do business with. Anne
  14. Bob Beard didn't make the show due to having to deal with his dad's estate and is in CA at this time taking care of legal matters. Most of you know that Bob is a magnificent Master leather carver and tool maker. If you have ever had the extreme pleasure of visiting his dad's home you would see where Bob gets a lot of his artistic abilities from. Both his Father and Mother had a lot of artistic talent and appreciation for fine art which shows in everything Bob does. Can't wait to see the pictures!
  15. anne newkold


    "they now have prices listed on their website." Are you just referring to the prices for the Barry King tools? those have been there for a while.
  16. Can some one who is getting to go post some pictures soon! I miss getting to go to the shows already. Only bad part of my career change. Anne
  17. Check the list of ingredients on the Barge. In the latter part of last year they changed the formula. If you have some old ones you will see it still had Toluene in it and some other things. New supplies of Barge do not have near the # of ingredients in them. That is why you are seeing a change. While I was still at Hide Crafter's we had customers complaining that it did not work as well as the older version. Other said it held the same. Guess it depends on your application.
  18. Interesting! I have one of those, I may have to try this.
  19. thanks for posting the drawing!
  20. Very Nice Tom, was worth the wait to see!
  21. anne newkold

    Morgan Oak

    only thing I could find doing a Google search was for a furniture at http://www.furniturediscount.com/furniture...oman_106235.asp nothing else calling it Morgan oak leather
  22. Thanks! Can't wait to get it!
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