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anne newkold

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Everything posted by anne newkold

  1. anne newkold

    Pebbler Tool

    Clair where are you? I know that http://www.thebeargallery.de/index.htm is a hide crafter dealer overseas. Doris and Rene should have some of the pebble tools from Hide Crafter. Robert Beard of Pro Series tools also ships overseas. but he does have a back log of tool orders since he custom makes every tool to order. www.robertbeardtools.com
  2. looks very much like the rolled rope edge from the dvd by George Hurst available at Hide Crafter's
  3. They are made to stay all together. I could not see a way to sharpen them with out taking them to someone else. I had bought two pair just for that reason. I was very disappointed that the pairs I bought only cut fringe that was just at 1/8 " wide not a 1/4" as you can see in the picture I posted above. Keep in mind that the picture of them on harbor freight, if they were to cut a 1/4 " wide fringe then the scissors would be over 1 1/4" wide. Art could you lay your fringe you cut on a ruler and post the picture so I can send it to Harbor freight when I return the pairs I bought and ask them to exchange them for ones that cut the 1/4" like you said yours cut? Also measure the width of the scissors. I have chap & vest fringe to cut soon.
  4. mine was not a leather tool mishap, but it was a tool. Thank God it was Swiss made so it was very very sharp! I had taken a wood turning class and made a vase. Went to take the nipple off the bottom from where it was attached to the base while turning, I was using a 3/8th" sweep gouge. Well I had my kevlar carving glove laying next to me, I thought I really should put that on. Well I just had to make that one more cut..... 6 stitches and in a split for 6 weeks when it glanced off and sliced my index finger open really pretty! Was not fun driving myself to the emergency room. Much later I did finally get the vase done.
  5. here is a picture of the width of it that my pair cut. as you can see not even close to a 1/4"
  6. Hey Bruce, Do you like the new Barge formula? I know that they changed the # of ingredients some time back. While I was still at Hide Crafter's we had several saddle makers complain about that they did not think it held as well as it did before.
  7. Anything over the tube I do not think they can ship to anywhere. You have to go to a store that carries it to get a qt and have to have a tax # to get it in a gallon in most states. Having just moved to CA last October I tried to stock up on some things we can not get here anymore like oil dyes and other products.
  8. Nice job, it has taken me 4 years to get brave enough to attempt to draw my own. At least you were much smarter than I, by doing a belt strip. My first attempt is a pattern to cover a box that is 36" wide X 20" high X 19 deep. All sides have a different scenery pattern to them. A few parts of them started out from old doodle pages or others patterns blown up. But in the month I have been working on these there is not much left on them now that has not been modified. Some of you will be able to pick out Robert Beard's scrolls, and some of Christine Stanley, Al Stohlman, Kat's K, parts to them. I willpost photos of them when I get it carved. Hope to get the Leather and start carving it soon.
  9. WOW, They must ship different sizes of them from different places!! I measured my two pair I bought and both cut them just shy of being an 1/8". You can see that the 1/8" wide fringe would be WAY small for things like Chaps. If mine were cutting at 1/4" I would have been thrilled! I thought your picture looked much wider than what mine cut! I will post a picture of mine when I get home tonight.
  10. what are you looking at that is $325? Would it not be cheaper to buy a side, use a strap cutter and cut your own and weave them? It would be cutting a lot of strips. How are they secured on the back side? Stapled into the wood?
  11. I will measure the width of what size fringe they will cut. It is way smaller than what appears in the picture! When I showed them to others they also felt that the width of them is WAY too narrow for items such as chaps, or pillows of any size which is why I bought a pair. Unless you like your fringe to be just over yarn width. JMO
  12. I have the same problem with the text on top of the pictures. I use Firefox also!
  13. How wide is the fringe? I thought these were a good idea so I bought a pair. I am sending mine back because by your picture I thought the fringe looked wide enough strips to actually use them on something. But they are WAY to skinny for anything I can think of to use them on. Or did you modify yours? If so how? Back to using the roller blade and a ruler.
  14. anne newkold

    latest masks

    Awesome work as always!
  15. maybe this link will help explain some of it. http://www.artisansew.com/thread.html look to the chart at the bottom of the page. Anne
  16. Just a thought but usually the classes for the trade shows do not come out until after the show that is coming up sooner is over. I would not be looking for it until some time after the Wickenburg show in March.
  17. Happy Birthday Clay! Wish I was going to Wickenburg so I could visit with you. Anne
  18. I live in Reseda, CA and work at Artisan Sewing Supplies in Commerce, CA. I also belong to The Leathercraft Guild that will be meeting on the 17th at Standing Bears Trading Post if you would like to come visit. Call 818-342-9120 ask for Wayne about the time. Make sure to tell him Anne mentioned the group if you do.
  19. check out this link too. http://www.leatherhorsemercantile.com/Cowd...ell%20Tiles.htm Cowden is in Weatherford TX
  20. Pro Series tools is also a small business. It's just 2 people also. you can request Robert Beards catalog at www.robertbeardtools.com plus see some of his own leatherwork and what classes he is currently teaching and where.
  21. Bob Beard makes steep beveler's also. check this site out www.robertbeardtools.com
  22. Same problem here too. Where is the adult section? Can't find that listed anywhere.
  23. I have carpal tunnel in both wrist. In order to avoid surgery I changed jobs (was working in a factory) and wear wrist braces on both arm at night to sleep in for the rest of my life. I have to wear them even for things such as driving for 30 minutes or more. Just typing on the keyboard for extended periods can cause pain. So I wear them then too when I have a lot to type. A maul or mallet? all depends on what position "you" are putting your arm in. I am still trying to get use to wearing my braces when I am tooling. Works for that so far but not while using the swivel knife. One thing most people do not know or think about when you do have the surgery is the "% of loss of use." To me that was not worth the surgery yet. So I wear my braces and do the stretching exercises every day just like the said to do in therapy.
  24. Call Bob at 505-632-7039 or go to his website and get a catalog on its way to you www.robertbeardtools.com The sooner you get your order placed the sooner you get your tools. Normally he doe not sell out of his inventory as they are tools that are for sale at classes and Trade shows.
  25. Thank you all for your good wishes with my new job at Artisan Sewing Supplies! This opened a whole world of opportunities for me. I am hoping in the future to get to still attend some of the Trade Shows, so I do hope to still get to see some of you in person. Jerry, Steve and Dave are a great bunch to work with. I love living in CA! I have even had more opportunities to get to sit down and do more Leather craft than I did in TX. I do wish Ron Stulhman and Betty Goldsmith and George Hurst at Hide Crafter's the very best of futures.
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