Thank You for Your Service to Our Great Country.
I am dedicating my Military Tribute Leather Carving in honor of
My Grandfather Richard Newkold, - Army during WWII.
My Grandfather Jack Moore, - Navy on the Aircraft Carrier York Town during WWII.
My Father Robert Newkold, Uncle Richard Newkold, Uncle Charlie Keller, Uncle Jim Keller, and Uncle Tom Keller - Marine Corp.
My Uncle Ray Kline, Uncle Frank Graser, Uncle Larry Keller, Uncle Bill Keller, Uncle Joe Keller and Uncle Jerry Keller - Army.
My Uncle Charles Moore - Air Force.
My Cousin Douglas Keller currently serving - Army.
My Brother in law Ron Johnson - Navy.
For my Framily & Friends
Deanna Hutsell- Shear - Marine Corp Reserves
James Geigan - Army
Adam James Heitman - Marines
Dennis Asberry - Marine Corp
Donnie Hayes
Schno Mozingo - Navy
Riley Cornelius – Army
Tim Delano – Navy
Gerry Beaver – Army Airborne
Michael Lee Griffin – Army
Anita Parthemer Lally, USAF 1959-1961.
Joseph Lally, USAF retired 1959-1980 Vietnam Vet
Doyle Haynes US Army, Desert Storm
Arthur Escoe, USAF retired
Wayne, Ed & Earl Parthemer
Paul, Bill Lally and Ed Hobbs
If you are on Facebook:
PLEASE SHARE THIS PICTURE WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW WHO SERVED IN THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES. Please feel free to tag them in this picture or share the link to this Tribute with them or if you would like to just mention them in the comment section, please do so! PLEASE Share the link on any Military support page!
Like my page to stay in touch for future Tribute Leather Carvings.
Thank you
Annette (Anne) Newkold
Newkold’s Leather Emporium