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anne newkold

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Everything posted by anne newkold

  1. What else are you planning on doing with it? I know pieces left out in the sun long enough will bleach out white-ish as long as you don't condition it. But I am not thinking that is what you are wanting.
  2. Back when I lived in Oklahoma I was a distributor of the LCSJ. Since I am still unemployed I need to sell the duplicate copies of the following past issues on ebay: LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 14 NO 3 Item number: 260363669327 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 14 NO 4 Item number: 260363672461 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 14 NO 5 Item number: 260363674643 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 14 NO 6 Item number: 260363675746 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 15 NO 1 Item number: 260363677446 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 15 NO 2 Item number: 260363678393 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 15 NO 3 Item number: 260363679307 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 15 NO 4 Item number: 260363680989 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 15 NO 5 Item number: 260363681919 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 15 NO 6 Item number: 260363683340 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 16 NO 1 Item number: 260363684140 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 16 NO 2 Item number: 260363684987 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 16 NO 3 Item number: 260363686034 LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL VOL 16 NO 4 Item number: 260363686865
  3. I am posting this in behalf of one of my dearest friends and a fellow member (Sadeyes) of this forum. I received the following about a recent Tragedy in her family. Please keep her/them in your thoughts and prayers at this time and if any of you are able to help them out it will be very much appreciated. May God Bless each of you! From my one of my dearest Friends: "Saturday night/ Early Sunday, my nephew Jesse Taylor died at the age of 20. He would have been 21 on February 3rd. My sister has been through breast cancer, cervical cancer and now she has to deal with the loss of her oldest child. This is the 2nd nephew I have lost just prior to their 21st birthday and with everything my sister and the rest of my family has been through in the past 2 years, I am taking life a moment at a time which is all that I can do. I have set up a way for people to donate to the cost of Jesse's funeral in order to help at this devastating time. Please donate what you can IF you can and please share this link with your friends in order to help our family. http://www.chipin.com/contribute/id/f5a544ecf92f7318 If you prefer not to use Paypal and would like to donate please send checks or money orders payable to Paula Smith to Standing Bear's Trading Post 7624 Tampa Avenue Reseda, CA. 91335 If you are local to Standing Bear's you can drop it off during the hours of 10AM - 6PM Monday thru Saturday. I had a hard blow yesterday as I thought that I would never again lose one of the younger members of our family... and it is a reminder that tomorrow is not promised... today is all we have so we must do all we can to live today, each day as if it were our last. I am fortunate that I have NO regrets in regards to Jesse, we ALWAYS got along, we ALWAYS kept in touch and although I didn't get to see him as much as I wish I could have I talked to him on January 22nd, we laughed on the phone and I know that he is above watching over me and the rest of the family as we struggle to face him being gone. Thank you VERY MUCH for taking time to read this, for your prayers and for your support our family greatly appreciates it. Sandi Taylor God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be." If you know Sadeyes (aka Sandi) you know she is one of the most caring and giving persons anyone could ever hope to know. Please keep our fellow forum member and her family in your thoughts and prayers. I would like to personally Thank you for your prayers and any support any of you can offer to them at this time. Anne
  4. Chris Chapman is who inspired me to get into leatherwork. You might want to check out the book Cowboy Chic ISBN-10: 0879059621 ISBN-13: 9780879059620 that is where I first seen her work and there is a lot of other uses of Leather in the book also.
  5. 3 gift certificates to Standing Bears Trading Post a bunch of clamps I wanted in various sizes some brushes and a belt buckle made by two of my best friends and a gift card to the grocery store a beaded necklace and a check from Mom & Dad
  6. It's holiday time again and the Red Cross needs blood donations to be higher during that time of yr. I started a Leathercrafters team at http://www.redcrossracing.com/loyaltyprogram/team.asp to join my team there you need to enter the code RS520LE the team name is Leathercrafters or start one of your own.
  7. Jeff Mosby at Grey Ghost Graphics did mine also. http://greyghostgraphics.com/
  8. I live in Reseda, CA. Not far from a couple of them. Mostly dealing with the smoke and ash here though. The smoke has been so heavy that my apartment reeks of it and I am several miles (about 10 to 20 ish) from them. Ash on everything outside.
  9. Yes, and as soon as I get a job again that "What Was I Thinking?" will be carved on the inside of the box lid with the scrolls in the corners. The bottom part of the box will be lined in a dark pig suede with the fuzzier side out. will post that when ever I can get that done..
  10. unfortunately it has not been just a short time got laid off in mid august
  11. very nice! colored stripes, dyed or other leather attached?
  12. I have 4 more projects in the works right now..... a clock, 2 card cases and one of those memo book things. should post them in the next week or so
  13. I went to http://simplythebest.net/fonts/ and downloaded the Cowboys font. Lots of great fonts there to use.
  14. Here are some of my latest projects in order to fight depression from not being able to find a new job since I got laid off from Artisan.front and back of my box photo diary
  15. Thank you all for the kind comments. Tom, use any idea you can from what I did. Isn't that part of why we share pictures of our work to inspire others? I know I have been inspired by lots of things I have seen on this forum. I have my inside the lid carving pattern done now, just waiting till I can afford more leather for that and the leather I will line the inside of the box with. I started carving a notebook with parts of the patterns from the box that will be my photo diary, thoughts, things I learned while making this box. Next big project will be a head and foot board for my king size water bed as soon as I find one I want to cover at a garage sale. Call me crazy but I was inspired by Chris Chapman to do leather work. Here is some of her work. http://www.chapmandesigninc.com/ I was first exposed to her work in the book Cowboy Chic Western Style Comes Home by Chase Reynolds Ewald http://www.contemporarywesterndesign.com/w...uuid=9A628-6EDA http://www.contemporarywesterndesign.com/w...uuid=FB07A-4559 I say if your gonna dream, dream big!
  16. how far are you from Baldwin Park? the manager at the Tandy store there does a lot of braiding. I am in Reseda CA but wanting to learn more braiding myself.
  17. here is the slide to my box project, there maybe a few pictures out of order. Sorry. Starting on the inside of the box now. I have been working on this for 9 or 10 months now. All the parts of it was too large for me to work on at home in my apartment so I have been working on it at Standing Bears Trading Post in Reseda CA when ever I got the chance to. I want to Thank Wayne Christensen and Sandi Taylor for putting up with me while I worked on it there. Wayne has been a great insturctor and inspiration to me when ever I got fustrated with it along the way. Give the side a few minutes to load, quite a few pictures in it. http://www.slide.com/r/_E366nec0T84Su0QjzT...p;view=original Now to start on the inside of the box and a photo diary of it with all my thoughts and things I learned while doing it.
  18. Thanks for the info early. I will pass it on to other local guild members!
  19. Some one posted this on one of the other list I am on and I found this all quite interesting. http://vintagedisneylandtickets.blogspot.c...q=tandy+leather http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_3jV5FcVqpE8/SLYK...+dl+article.JPG
  20. These are the other two sides not posted in the other picture I just forgot to add that to the topic.
  21. Bob has been a great inspiration to me and one of my best friends. The store in the back ground is Standing Bears Trading Post in Reseda, CA. They are a Tandy distributor. Wayne Christensen owns the store and teaches classes there 5 day a week. Wayne has also been a great inspiration and encouragement to me.
  22. The leather was oiled and suntanned and then finished with carnuba cream to seal it. Not brave enough to color it. This was my first attempt at putting together my own pattern. The corner Scrolls are Bob Beards pattern, some of the other elements came from doodle pages like some of the trees, but not all of them and some of the rocks. But the rest was out of my warped mind. I had never covered a box before so I figured I have challenged myself enough with out trying to color it.
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