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  1. Grant calls it a split braid I believe.
  2. In my experience its generally less then I count on. A whole lot depends on how consistent you are and how much over your first cut is causing you to trim it down.
  3. That sounds more or less about right. I generally split the hide down to about the thinnest part to make it more or less even. If it had a real thin part I wouldn't go down that far and would likely not use the thin parts.
  4. Nice work.
  5. Braid loose pull tight sounds backwards to me. I've always pulled tight the next string to plait and then plait loose. If you plait loose and then pull tight nothing is holding the string in place. Where as doing it the other way 3, 5, 7... strands are holding it in place before you pull it tight. I think we are most likely actually trying to say the same thing? Mike
  6. Nice work. Very cool.
  7. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I wonder if Aaron will be at the Brannaman Roping in Santa Ynez this weekend. I think he was last year. How about you Bucksnort you going to the roping?
  8. Nice work.
  9. Nice work!
  10. I've used marine varnish on rawhide hondas, but that is about it.
  11. Brian, you certainly have the talent and dedication to the art for it.
  12. Yes, and let me tell ya, it takes a bunch of beating on it to get it anywhere near soft.
  13. IMG_0010 by ss1442, on Flickr IMG_0005 by ss1442, on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/casa-megabit/sets/72157634774654496/
  14. I wonder how the paint on the popper will hold up? I like how you attached the popper with the edge braid, never seen it done like that before. Looks neat.
  15. Nice job. Pattern is neat, not so sure about the grape color though.
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