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About Lui

  • Birthday 05/12/1959

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Miami Fla

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    veg tan

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  1. We might as well give up and run, if we let them take our God and Guns. Lynyrd Skynyrd

    1. chancey77


      They won't ever get EITHER!

    2. LNLeather


      We Just Need to Learn How to Live Together

  2. I am now the Southernmost provider of Herman Oak Leather in the USA. Just got the new shipment in. Cant wait to test drive it.

  3. I need a little time off for Bad Behavior.

  4. We got cowboys, we got bikers, pirates and other Renn men, We got hippies and gun and knife fansWe got vagabonds, rockers and a few that cant be mentioonedI aint talking about a bar either. Even though I keep a bottle around for medicinal purpose. Its a day in the life of an artisan style leather store. I never knew how many facets of life come together in this wonderful world of leather.

  5. Im just sitting here with a huge smile on my face and reading all your best wishes. Wow thank you all so much. I am truly honored to be friends with you all. Thank you and God bless.

  6. Incredible, I just saw the pope shakin hands with the devil himself.

  7. I just met a man from the Lakota nation who lives here in Miami and speaks perfect spanish. When I asked him how he ended so far away from home. His answer was "una colombiana". I thought that was so cool I had to share.

    1. David


      what does it mean?

    2. David


      what does it mean?

  8. We just finished setting up at the food truck invasion in Tropical Park.

  9. Well today is the first day back at work. Had a great time in Albaquerque NM. Saw a bunch of old friends, and met a whole bunch of new ones. The show was fantastic and the hospitality was even better. Cant wait to see you all again in Nashville next year.

  10. Thanks Clay it was great meeting you too.

  11. Clay

    Lui It was great to meet you and again congratulations on the Billy Wootres Memorial award!

  12. Just got into Amarillo for steaks and gas

    1. drphil


      72 oz. big texan?

    2. Lui


      Nah just the 1 pound. Im gettin old.

  13. I am not reposting anything. If this means face Book is going to charge me 10 bucks a month, guess what? They can kiss my #$$!

    1. Tinneal


      Don't worry. They'll never charge for there services. That was just an internet rumour.

  14. A customer of mine told me about this and I have been trying it out with good results. Its called Createx acrylic air brush paint. You use it out of the bottle and Its water based (easier to clean and safer) Its available in art stores or online in a bunch of places. I did this band with it and it came out OK. It was a rush job no tooling or anything just painted and thats it.
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