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About Ornito

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Hand stitching
  • Interested in learning about
    Machine sewing

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  1. @Howie696 May I ask what kind of leather are you using? this Fiebing's black dye problem happens with all your project or just on this one? Have you tested it on other (different kind/type/brand) leather?
  2. I Seiwa have also chisels with "European profile" wich aren't diamond shape, for a resulting , IMOH, better looking stitches.
  3. Mastering the awl is a little harder than using a pricking iron (or chisel...) It depends from the project... I personally use the awl in between some hard passages, where the iron would not a good choice. Stitching with the awl it takes longer than piercing the leather with an iron (and proceeding with the stitching without worring about almost anything) At least at the beginning, and it is a bit hard to keep a perfect stitching line. in terms of pure cosmetic, there is nothing beautiful than stitches made with a pricking iron (by Dixon) and the awl. everything IMHO, of course.
  4. Nice work !! compliments! may I ask you where did you get the back black clip?
  5. I do not know it, but at that price sound like a theft. For all my leather handstitched works I only use Tiger Thread... IMHO the best thread you can find.
  6. Try to get a look to: http://abbeyengland.com/Store/List/0/CategoryID/357/Level/a maybe there is something close to your needs.
  7. I can confirm Seiwa are very well done tools. I have 6 pieces (different sizes and different profiles) and they are a "joy" to use.
  8. Thank you Uwe, what it should be the thickness limit ( or the thickness operative range) for the Durkopp Adler 269-373 ?
  9. Hello everybody, I can get one of these machines and I' d like to know what's the " best" for leather (up to 5/8") (bags, satchels, suitcases - mostly glued layers) Pfaff 335-900 or 910 or 911 Pfaff 596 Durkopp Adler 239 Durkopp Adler 269-373 Durkopp Adler 69-FA-373 thanks in advance ! (this forum is AMAZING, thank you all!)
  10. Wizard, Just fyi I contacted the European Distributor, here is the answer: "thanks a lot for your inquiry. But DIX4LR 120/19 Titanium coated LP coating is not in ORGAN production line. Kind regards Rudolf Rütters" So, do you have more suggestion to avoid missing stitches caused by glued leather layers ? (Using tape or different glue, or an alternative method ?) thanks again for you help.
  11. Wiz, I have no more words to say Thank you so much !! the machine is working good (except the 7 spi issue...) I tested it many times and with many different type of leather without any issue.. today I faced my first attempt on a real project and I proceeded with glueing the edges of the project.... I think you've got the problem: "Another cause of skipped stitches could be the tape or glue holding layers together for sewing. I use titanium coated needles to help fend off problems caused by leather tape and contact" In fact I prevously tryied with different (not glued) pieces of leather and not a single stitch was missed.... Do you have a suggestion for titanium coated needles? I'm using Schmetz 120/19 332 LR (29x4 R TW) and Amann Serafil Polyester #20 thanks again.
  12. Sorry to bother again.... I'm getting some missing stitch...(here and there) Could you kindly help me? What's the problem origin and how I could fix it? thanks in advance for any info provided.
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