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Everything posted by tazzmann

  1. Thanks for the replies everyone! One more question... If the gentleman wants the rough side in, is there any trick you guys use to soften the inside or smooth the inside so that it doesn't feel like sandpaper after it dries from the wet moulding? Mike
  2. Hey guys, I am building an IWB holster for a gentleman and I have only done a couple others with stainless guns. On one with a matte black finish, what do you guys suggest to line the inside with to keep the matte finish from getting rubbed off? Also, he wants the holster black. Should I vinegaroon it to make it black or should I seal the black dye with something to help keep it from rubbing off? Mike
  3. Thanks AZRider. I actually have that book. Bought it back in 91 I think. I just wasn's sure if the lace would hold since I am not lacing two flat pieces together like a wallet or something. I will give the basket weave a try. I would like to do a two tone basket weave, but the book only covers the two tone double which I have done a ton of. I am sure it is similar, but am not too sure on where to start the second color. I may have to expirement some. Mike
  4. What is the best way to lace a motorcycle seat that isn't a pan type seat. but a seat off a 1977 KZ1000. I am adding foam to the seat to make it level as it is a step up seat at the moment. I have made custom sidepanels for the seat and a custom top and need to lace the two together. What is the best lacing technique to lace the at a 90 degree angle? In other words, the top piece will be laying horizontal and the side pieces will be verticle. And how to you keep the beginning lace on the backside secure? Normally the lace itself would do this, but I can't see how it will work with the two pieces at a 90 degree angle to each other. David, have you done anything like this? Thanks! Mike
  5. Thanks moon for the nice comment.
  6. Here is my last knife holster for a while. I now get to do a few other projects which is a much needed break. Wahoo! Anyway, I hope ya'all like it!
  7. Thanks for the reply wildrose! Does anyone have a picture of one? Maybe I can have my nextdoor neighboor fab me up a few. What size bolt would be best?
  8. Ok, I have done a search in Zack white catalog, Ohio Travel Bag and even Weaver leather. So where does one find the tri-bolts for the three legged stools? I have someone that would like me to make them one, but I can't seem to find the hardware anywhere. I put a question in another board but no-one seems to want to answer any of my posts so maybe someone will answer this one. Please! Thanks! Mike
  9. Nice guitar and strap! Excellent workmanship on both! I don't think I can say any more. I can't wait to see them both fully completed!
  10. I hope this isn't a dumb question, but is there a supplier for tri-bolts here in the US? And what is the average cost?
  11. I haven't had a chance to post in a while, but have been making these things like crazy so thought I would post my latest one. I haven't done a fish before, but think this one turned out ok. I wasn't pleased with the 'water' knife cuts and figured out a better way of doing it on a scrap piece of leather, but the customer was happy enough, so I guess that is what counts. Now I get to take a break from these and make a guitar strap for a lady who plays an electric guitar. Any tips? Mike
  12. As another side note, not relating to health, if you use an airbrush with solvent based dyes or clean with paint thinner, remember that some of the cheaper air brushes use RUBBER seals which will melt. (I just replaced a set that turned to goo with over use of solvent cleaners.) Either spend the money for a good airbrush which uses nylon seals, or replace the rubber ones with nylon. Most airbrush companies offer nylon replacement seals, though sometimes you have to call and ask for them directly. The other options is to keep buying refurb kits every time your seals turn to goo.
  13. UPDATE!!!!! Our local Waste Connection company called at about 5:00pm Pacific time and they found my wallet! Apparently is still has most of the content, though we didn't ask them to look through it. My wife is going to go pick it up tomorrow and see what is missing. My heart is settled. That wallet has been down to 150ft underwater with me, been through two different washing machines, left on top of a car and went flying off at 55 MPH, rode on the rear bumper of my truck from Portland ALL THE WAY to Seattle and has been a friend and companion. I am so glad it has found it's way home again. My wife says that wallet it magical and I am starting to believe her. Though I am still thinking of making another.
  14. Yesterday morning at about 4:00am in the morning, my car was broken into and my wallet was stolen. This is the FIRST time I have EVER left my wallet in my car or left it unlocked. My glove box was shuffled through as well, but nothing taken. What really irritates me is that it was the wallet given to me when I was 14 (I am 40 this month) and it was from the man who got me into leather working. The driver's license, credit cards, etc can all be replaced, but the wallet can't. I often wonder why people can be so insensitive and can't keep their hands to themselves. Oh well, thanks for letting me share. I hope that whoever took my wallet will one day feel bad about what he/she did, but I doubt it. RIP Mr. Wallet. On the plus side, I finally get to make a new one as I have been planning to do for the last two years!
  15. Sorry, Forgot to mention... it is for show. I have a good friend who is going to be doing some horse shows this year and would like a custom built breast collar as well as bridal, headstall, etc. I have everything I need for the headstall, etc, but don't have a pattern for this one piece. It is going to be purely decorative. Thanks!
  16. Hey all, I am looking for a pattern for a breast collar. I don't really want to buy one off of ebay to tear it apart and don't really want to buy the whole pattern pack from Tandy to get one pattern. Does anyone have one they wouldn't mind sharing? Thanks Mike
  17. Reserve me a spot! I will be in this Friday to pay for it! How much? Mike
  18. I got my PIF from BillyP in the mail this weekend! I must say it is awesome! I will post a pic as soon as I figure out what happened to my camera... Thanks Billy! I have a special place for it on my bench! Tazz
  19. Looks great! Very nicely done!
  20. Sorry I didn't get back to this thread earlier. My contract ended,so I have spent my time job searching. Anyway, indy, yes I did make that holster. It works great for the guns that Doktor is trying to get holsters for. I have a gun shop locally that has them and I tried a couple out. The guy said he may have me make some for his shop to sell with the guns. Could be a good part time deal! If you want the pattern, send me a pm with your email address. Mike
  21. Have you looked into something like this... This fit a small deringer at the last gun show I was at. Overall height of the holster is 4 1/2".
  22. Nice looking knife! I have a custom knife maker who is making me one as we speak. I can't wait to get it. It will be a 4" knife with a Purple Heart handle. I will bring it over when I get it. And by the way, it is ULU not ooloo.
  23. Holy ! I think I will hang up my knife now. You win!
  24. Hey Duke I will dig up that cam tonight. It is put away in one of my boxes of electronics in the server closet. I'll give you a shout when I get it together and am heading out your way.
  25. Thanks! So it is basically a pouch. What is the dimensions on it? I would think larger arrows would tip over. Yes/No?
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