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Everything posted by tazzmann

  1. Nice looking belt Spider! Have fun at the fair!
  2. Beautiful work Kathy! Very elegant!
  3. Very nice looking work Jordan! Keep 'em coming!
  4. Thanks all. Myriam, I actually used that tutorial this evening. The core I used was not very good. It was apholstery type cord from walmart. Way too fibery and I think it was the wrong size. I finally got the hang of it after re-starting about 5 times. LOL I will post some pics when I get up the nerve. Braiding looks like it can be relaxing once you get the darn thing started. I will keep practicing! Edit: Here are some pics!
  5. I have used many of them but, when I use them, I prefer the real acrylics that come in a tube and dilute them down.
  6. Well, here is my current list: Fishing Hunting Archery Black Powder Shooting Restoring vintage motorcycles Airbrushing motorcycle tanks Amateur Radio Operator (General Class) Cooking Bird Watching Knife making My children Monthly inspections of Emergency rooms as a patient. I play the following musical instruments: Percussion Flute Clarinet Trumpet Oboe Tuba Baritone piano Acoustic guitar (6 and 12 string) Things I have done in the past: Barrel racing Rescue Diver then became a dive master Skiiing (both water and snow) Dirt Bike Riding Rock Collecting Semi-professional bike racer (Susuki Katana 1100 in European circuit) Hiking Astronomy Gunsmithing First degree Black Belt in Kung Fu Hey what can I say, there are advantages (and disadvantages) to being A.D.D. ! I learned to do cross-stitch, plastic canvas and floral arrangements because my mom would sit me down and make me do them. She said it was good to be well rounded. Though I don't do any of the cross stitch or floral arrangements now that I am older, I do sit down with the wife and do some plastic canvas with her. I even occasionally look over her cross stitch when she has a problem that she can't figure out.
  7. Congrats Wolvie!
  8. Hey Crystal, I would suggest getting the book "Leathercraft Tools" by Al Stohlman. It goes into how to sharpen, care and use of a lot of different leather tools. I sharpen mine with a flat jewler's file. Some people just buy new ones.
  9. tazzmann

    Braiding 101

    Yeah right, relax. After last night! HAH! So I went out and got Bruce Grant's book on braiding. Everyone seems to talk about it and it even says "with detailed illustrations and step-by-step instructions". So I plopped down on the couch and looked at trying the simple two thong chain braid. An hour later I finally understood what they were trying to accomplish (the instructions to me weren't all that clear). Feeling a little relief that I wasn't a COMPLETE idiot I moved on.... The 4 thong round braid. This one looked easy in principle (after the two thong fiasco, this one actually LOOKED easier). I didn't have a core to work with so though I would try it without one since the book made it sound as if it was done the same way. Now, I am in the middle of quitting smoking, and if I had smokes, I would have smoked the entire pack in the four hours and thirteen minutes it spent to get two passes done which still didn't look right. No matter what I did, nothing seemed clear to me and the instructions seemed too brief and vague for a beginner. I finally put the book and materials down. Tried to remember what meds I was supposed to take before heading to bed (my head felt like someone beat it with a combine) and dejectedly went to sleep feeling a LOT more respectful of you braiders. Is there someone here that would be willing to do some tutorials aimed at severe beginners? I am A.D.D. and can normally learn extremely fast through books, but I have to admit, this stuff makes my head hurt. However, it is one area that I REALLY want to learn and will be able to dedicate more time to it as my doc says I need to take time to de-stress everyday while sitting or my heart might just get up and decide to quit on me. Thanks!
  10. Beautiful board! My brother and I used to play backgammon as kids and loved it. Sure would have been nice playing on a board like this!
  11. Thanks guys for all the comments. It was fun making it. I even put a little slot in in for the normal belt clip that is on the knife, so it secures itself to the holster. That way it won't fall out. I have another one that I am making that is a miniature version of the "Slim Jim" type holster. When I was at the show yesterday, there was a guy who had a really small .22 caliber Deringer that fit this holster. He commissioned me to make a holster identical to this one for that gun.
  12. Here is one I did for a gun and knife show this weekend. Gots lots of requests to make more. It is made of 3-4 oz leather and hatband buckle set. It fits on belts up to 1 3/4 inches. I got the pattern from a pull out in one of the older LC&SJ's.
  13. Wow! Thanks for all the info Bill. I have been doing some research on this machine and it is going to be hard getting parts for it, so I have the head sitting off to one side and am using the table for a Singer 16-188 that the mother-in-laws dad used for upholstery. I know it works, though it was mounted on a home made rickety table, so the table for the pfaff will have to do. The cut out for the sewing machine is exactly the same size. I just have to mount the motor for this machine to the table as the motor for the Pfaff was a 220V. The Singer needs a little cleaning and such but turns freely. I do have a manual on the way for the Singer so I know what all the gizmos are for, but I will probably have a lot more questions as I have NO experience with sewing machines and have no idea what the terminologies are or how to use one. I also have a Yamata that Duke (from this forum) is letting me use. It apparently was dropped on the back end while at the store and has some bent and broken parts, which I have on order, so that is another one I will be able to play with when it is working. Eventually I want to get a Tipmann Boss or an Artisan, but that may be down the road. Even if I can't sew through thick leather with any of these machines, at least I can get the basic concept of sewing down.
  14. I am glad you like it Holly! My son helped with this project (The gold "crowns" on the back of the checkers were by his hand and he helped with some of the staining on the squares).
  15. I have tried about 10 times now. I have tried everything from patches to gum to prescriptions meds. Nothing seems to work. I am going to try and quit cold turkey this Friday. I sympathize with you Johanna. It is tough. I started when I was twelve and am 40 now. With the price of smokes up to almost six dollars a pack here, it is time. I'll keep you in my prayers.
  16. Well, I picked up the machine tonight and the model number is: 461-6/2-900 BS. It needs some TLC, but I think I can get it running. Not sure about swapping the motor though. There is a box underneath the table that says something about needle synchronization and there is a wire that runs from it to a mechanical, magnetic pickup on the main shaft. I am going to tear into this machine and table tomorrow and start cleaning it up and figuring out what I need to do to get it back to as close to original as possible. Even if it doesn't do leather that well, it is still going to be fun making this thing go "vroom"!
  17. It might be gone already. I just went out to craigslist and see that the author has deleted the posting. I told him I would be over after work to pick it up, but hopefully he didn't give it to someone else. Edit: The service manual I found for the 461 said it was a High-Speed, Lockstitch Compound feed. Whatever all that means. (I obviously don't sew, but want to learn more about it).
  18. I am looking at picking up a Pfaff model 461 Industrial sewing machine for free today and was wondering if anyone had any information on these machines. I have looked on the web and have come up with the instruction and service manual in electronic form, but was wondering if any sewers here have come up with anything? The guy who is selling it doesn't know a whole lot about it. His dad got it from a factory about five years ago and has since passed. He believes it runs on 3 phase power. Any ideas?
  19. Very nice looking sheath! Always a pleasure to see your work!
  20. tazzmann

    Inlay turquiose

    I have inlaid gemstones into knife sheaths before. I use a three layer approach. The bottom layer, the middle layer that has a cutout of the EXACT size of the stone and then a top layer that has a cutout slightly smaller than the stone which "holds" it in place. The middle layer keeps the stone from moving around better. Sometimes the stone needs shaping to help it fit correctly in the leather and to make it a little more pleasing to the eye.
  21. ummmm. yeah. What they said! <stunned>
  22. That looks really good. I have a pickle jar full that I am waiting to try out. I also have another jar "distilling".
  23. WOW! He does some cool stuff! I LOVE the holster he has at his hip in the picture with him in front of the steelhead. That is great!
  24. Thanks for the great write-up Kate! Possibilities..... hmmmmm....
  25. Wow! beautiful work. Almost hate to see it colored!
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