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Everything posted by Froghunter

  1. ok...I am getting the hang of the site and am ready to share... My style is a little bit different. Here are a couple of samples. A dragon done a some scrap (Now adorning a book cover). It was my first stab at celtic and I am really happy with the way it turned out. The second is a carry bag I did for my sister who is a professional art instructor. The first stab at mexican basket weave and I only messed up a couple of times, but all in all it came out great! She loved it... What do ya think?
  2. Thanks for all the kind words.... And yes, I too am a traveling man, but not yet a PM. Someday soon!
  3. Thanks for the kind words! The artwork is my own, the original drawing was handed off to my tattoo artist and she inked it on my left calf. I made the leather hanging as a "thank you" and she proudly displays it at her shop. as for being a "supplier" I was a leatherworker first! =0)
  4. Hey all, nOObie here.... Check out some of my buckles, let me know what you think...
  5. Hello All! New Member here in Florida. I have been doing leather work for about 5 years, although I did dabble back in the 70's while in 4-h and Scouts. I work for Tandy, but please don't let that skew your opinion of me! I have been tooling leather for about 7 months. Although I am getting better, I still have much to gleen, so when a friend and customer told me about this place, I had to come over. I am blown away by the quality of work I am seeing. I hope that my carving will be up to par some day. I will hopefully learn to post pics soon and give a sample of my work. I will try to upload one fo my first REAL carvings of a carhop...let's see if this works. Oh, and I have tough skin......constructive critisism is cheerfully accepted. But do remember this is one of my first, so a lot of what is wrong I have been trying to correct! Thanks for reading this long rant......
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