Hello All!
New Member here in Florida.
I have been doing leather work for about 5 years, although I did dabble back in the 70's while in 4-h and Scouts.
I work for Tandy, but please don't let that skew your opinion of me!
I have been tooling leather for about 7 months. Although I am getting better, I still have much to gleen, so when a friend and customer told me about this place, I had to come over.
I am blown away by the quality of work I am seeing. I hope that my carving will be up to par some day.
I will hopefully learn to post pics soon and give a sample of my work. I will try to upload one fo my first REAL carvings of a carhop...let's see if this works.
Oh, and I have tough skin......constructive critisism is cheerfully accepted. But do remember this is one of my first, so a lot of what is wrong I have been trying to correct!
Thanks for reading this long rant......