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Everything posted by Froghunter

  1. Got it! I'll ship em out to ya on Friday. About the other THING, I'll let ya know!
  2. Hey Bro, I got a brand new set of crash bar/ saddle bag bar bags that you can have! PM me your address and I'll get them shipped out if you want them!
  3. Cool, Good looking piece for your first one! I wish my Firsts looked that good! Keep up the good work!
  4. Sweet Seat!!! Great work, will make some rider VERY happy!!!! I love the craftsmanship I see around here!
  5. Looks GREAT Cecil!!! Even better in person!!!! Keep up the wonderful work my friend!
  6. very nice....and a great idea too!!!!
  7. And I hate math too!!! Thanks, for the info. I will deinately do better next time!
  8. Yes, I do agree about the spacing for the holes. This was a practice piece, just some leather I had hanging around! I think I was a little "Scared" of getting the holes too close together. I'll definately do better next time!! Does anyone have a tried and true MEASUREMENT they use when installing lacing holes? I have been trying to use 1/8 and 3/16 depending on the lace I am using. Right now I use mostly Roo lace, except on pieces like this where I use Superior Lace from Tandy. Thanks for all the pointers! I know I will learn a lot from here!!!!
  9. Here is a large trophy buckle I finished today. I know the lace is different tones, It was an old spool of light tan Superior I had laying around. I do a lot of regular and small Masonic buckles, but figured there has to be ONE Mason out there who needs a Dinner plate Sized buckle!!! Let me know what you think!
  10. That's the SAME thing my wife keeps sayin!!!!! Oh and PM sent about the airhorns!
  11. Very nice work. I haven't tried sheaths yet. Someday!!!
  12. Here is a cover I did for a 3 ring binder. I made it so the binder can be replaced WHEN it fails. I included a close-up of some of the detail for your critique..... I had a lot of fun with the skull and crossed tools on the back!
  13. This pattern is from one of the books the we sell at Tandy, Appropriately named the "Dragon" book. A smaller version is also in the "Tattoo" book we sell. However, please feel free to copy the picture above and make your own pattern from it if you like! Thanks for all the kind words all! It's means something when just anyone says they like your work, it means even more when craftsmen say it!!!
  14. Absolutely beautiful work!!! Very Impressive, one o these days I am gonna try my hand at armor......one of these days!!
  15. Froghunter

    A new Dragon thingie

    I did!! And saw these in true form SUPERB Work! I love em!
  16. Thanks! Yea, I cheated and used a book pattern for that one, Someday I'll actually do my own celtic, but I am not any good at it yet!
  17. The Oregon law is actually in place at the bequest of the citizens. It is voted in everytime it hits the ballots. Most people would rather pay a few cents a gallon more and not get gas on their work clothes, or have to get out of the vehicle on a cruddy day. Plus in the smaller towns, the feel of the "old time" SERVICE stations is alive and well! I actually enjoyed it when I lived there! I am a native!
  18. Nice work! and yes the coloring is GREAT!
  19. OK...my turn.... I DO work for Tandy. For about 8 months now. I am training in the Orlando Store under the manager and will hopefully be getting my own store very soon. I gotta tell ya I am proud to be associated with this company. It is run by individuals that haven't forgotten what "Customer service" really means. And they do care about the employees as much as they do the customers, which in the retail world is VERY uncommon. One of the things that really struck me is the prevailing idea to always make the customer happy. We all know that this is a foreign concept in most stores. I am 41 years old and this is my retirement job. I am looking forward to the chance to work and do something I love to do in my tarnished years! By the way, this is my first retail job. Now to answer a question I know is burning in all of your chests, do I use Tandy exclusively for product? Absolutely NOT. I am a business owner and know the value of suppliers and shopping around. I am not stoopid! However, with that being said, for the most part, Our stores offer most everthing the hobbyist, serious leatherworker, and even business owner can utilize. And it is a great place to meet other crafters, both hobbyist and professional, to learn from, bounce ideas off of...whatever. I hope we are around for a good long time! If you have never been to a Tandy Store I challenge you to find the nearest one and visit, meet the Manager and employees, take in some of your stuff and share a cup of coffee and some ideas. Maybe even volunteer to teach a class. You probably won't get money in return, but just knowing you are doing what you can to further the craft and teach some noob how to lace, dye or run a knfe line, is very rewarding!!! If you are in the Central Florida area, stop in and see me.....I'll buy the coffee!
  20. Sweet work! That is definately something I need to learn....I even had to have the wife braid my pony tail!!!
  21. Froghunter

    A new Dragon thingie

    Very nice work! I guess I need to learn the secret rain dance that lets me into the OLDER KID area (I am NOT an adult :angel_not: )
  22. My lovely wife has seen fit to put up with me for a great number of years, so as a reward I thought I should make her something! So she asked for a custom seat for her Suzuki Boulevard. I am not finished yet, but here is the top. I am actually recovering her stock seat which was gathering dust. Her scoot is Fire engine red with ghost flames and will soon have white walls, so I did the seat in red and I am siding the seat in white ostrich print to bring the white into the bike. I also posted one of my first tank bib commisions, fairly simple but turned out well... what do y'all think?
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