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Everything posted by Froghunter

  1. Beeza that is AWESOME!!! Thanks for more inspiration!
  2. Hey all, Just wanted to show off one of my Scrap pieces. I have recently joined the bespeckled ranks and am for the first time in life having to wear glasses for distance vision. Since I also ride a motorcycle almost daily I spent the extra coin and got two pairs of Oakley frames done with my Rx for riding. One sunglasses and the other yellow for nighttime riding. Because I have limited carying space on my bike my old sunglasses would get scratch and were fairly inexpensive to replace. This is no longer the case, so I threw together something that I could store my glasses in whilst they are in my saddle bags and have much more protection that the little rag bags they came with. The design is straight forward, a box with a flap, a divider to keep the pairs from rubbing one another and some sheeps wool scrap for padding. Nothing fancy, not even the tooling or finish, but a nice functional piece that is also pleasing to the eye. The design is a take off of the old Flying eyeball from the 60's, along with some inverse tribal "pinstriping" I left the leather natural (#2 8/9 oz double shoulder scrap) and finished with a couple of coats of Leather Sheen.
  3. The front and back leather pieces are punched, they are slightly larger than the actual buckle "plate" so it sandwiches the buckle INSIDE the leather. Thanks for the kind words Tina. I too love the celtic! But that small, well let's just say I used some ADULT language a couple of times as I fumbled to find a modeling spoon to fix mistakes!!! :angel_not:
  4. I've met yer wife Bro....I am bettin she can take ya!!! Good to see ya on here! Keep up the GREAT work....and yes..... enjoy that round braid, it's FUN!
  5. Froghunter

    Bulldog mask

    Outstanding...BEAUTIFUL work....now I must go throw my mask making tools away............
  6. Hey Bro.. Excellent work! And I might add that pictures don't do it justice! Oh yeah....I LIKE the orange lacing!
  7. Thanks for the kind words everyone! I really enjoyed this one. I may have to do some more, eventually!
  8. Well, I decided to try my hand at the twisted sheridan once again. This one is going to be a wallet that I am making as a gift. I found the floral in a book and drew the skulls to "fit". I tried to make them more "IN" the floral this time. I am still working on my Floral work, and have gotten some really great tips and hints from some of the members here and hope to get better and better. On a side note, I have a friend of mine giving me an old western saddle that is falling apart, so I may give it a go after all........Maybe even with this type of design..who knows! So here is my rendition of "HEAR NO EVIL, SEE NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL"
  9. You are more than welcome! I enjoyed making it for you, it was definately a challenge as it is the "smallest" celtic I have tried to date. I hope you get many miles out of it!
  10. Very cool Shirley......Fantastic Work and a fantastic person! It's great when people get together to help someone.....If only more people would do this! Good for YOU!!!!!!!
  11. Thanks Tammy......Yeah, it would make a killer saddle!!!! There ya go Johanna - NEO-SHERIDAN, I like it!
  12. I agree Fantastic job! Not too much and not too little.... I am betting you'll be making these for some customers in NO TIME!
  13. Froghunter

    Leather camel

    That is Freakin SWEEEEET! Wow....... Great JOB!
  14. Excellent tooling! I like the design. You make "intricate" look simple!
  15. Very nice work. Even "simple" can have a lot of WOW factor. And this set does!
  16. Very Nice work Spider!!! Looks like ya got the feel for it....now let's see some more!
  17. Thanks for the info Beeza!!! and keep up the AWESOME work!
  18. Froghunter

    Scrap art

    Nice work. Man, are we supposed to PLAN our stuff. I been doin' it all wrong then. I pretty much just get an idea and go with it. I probably have 6- 10 projects going at once. Someday I'll even find the time to finish a couple!
  19. Very nice work Luke! and I think Oaks was refering to the BLADES, you know the part we leatherworkers always cover cuz it's too shiney!
  20. Awesome work! I love your clean lines! That is gonna be one happy Rocket owner! On a side note, can I ask what leather you are using for your seats?
  21. David, Outstanding work...very clean! I like it! I think the inverted beveling adds a lot to this as well. I love seeing your seats, someday I'll be almost as good as some of you guys!
  22. Welcome to the forum! Superb craftsmanship there!!! I am sure you will fit in just fine! Your work is amazing. I love the croc!
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