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Everything posted by Froghunter

  1. Here is a portable tool carrier I did in December. I held a three weekend class at my store and these are what we made. I chose a carry handle and no shoulder strap. I also played a little with contrasting colors. I wish I had some pics of the students versions. One of the students was a first timer at carving and did a SUPERB job on such a difficult project! The cover is made out of very low grade saddle skirting. I used Eco-Flo antique dark brown on the sides and Eco-flo Green Tea on the ends and strap. I wish I would have put more thought into the strap as I am no 100% satisfied, but it is removable and some day I may get a wild hair and re-make it. And yes, I do realize it is an ecclectic gathering of carvings.....I think thats what REALLY makes it mine! Tell me what ya think!
  2. Well, a leather nickle that is! Here is a practice piece I just completed. The design is from the 1983 pull-out patterns from "Make it with Leather". I love some of these old patterns! The date and small lettering was FUN! whatchya think?
  3. OK, I guess my hat is in too..... I have only carved about 3 things that would be considered, traditional floral....this is number 3. Be gentle, but tell me what you think!
  4. Nice job Tina!! Yeah TJ, take in a few examples and any decent artist can draw something up that fits YOU and your ideas. That way it's all yours! Good Luck!!!
  5. Froghunter

    Store Sign

    It's OK if they do, heck I could always tool a nice Rivet on trivet to cover! Beside, if you noticed, the 6, was actually stamped a 5....My bad!, so I fixed it, kinda! and there is a double stamp on the lower letters, but I smoothed it out best as I could. Thanks for the compliments all!
  6. TJ, have ya tried finding a pic of a dragonfly, or even a drawing and putting it with the infinity sign. Photoshop is a wonderful thing! Give me a bit more detail about what you want it to look like, orientation, size, etc. Maybe I can come up with something for you...
  7. Froghunter


    Great wood work!!!!! Nice lines! And funny as HELL!
  8. OK, here is a clock I made for a friend. He rides with me and also owns his own bakery, so I wanted to have "Biker" stuff and make it Bakery friendly, if not just a bit whimsical........ No snickering allowed!
  9. Thanks for all the encouragement... I finally am ready for final assembly onto the seat pan, here is where the seat stands as of tonight... The top was attched to the white side panel by way of a spool of Roo black lacing done in the basketweave. The side is white embossed ostrich, and was saddle stitched to the bottom wrap piece, which is dyed with the same all-in-one red as the seat top. Hopefully this week I'll get it mounted and on the bike for some better pics!!! I am really happy with the contrast of the white and red on this piece. and the ostrich adds the perfect amount of texture IMHO. What do ya think? It's not custom chopper quality.....yet......but not bad for my first, "from scratch" seat. And the wife LOVES it....which is THE most important thing!
  10. No clue about the significance.... I just thought it looked cool!!! but then again, I ain't never been referred to as DEEP!
  11. Froghunter

    Store Sign

    There are still quite a few items made by our local customers, we display them proudly! Thanks for the compliments!!!
  12. Thanks! Yes she loves it! And so does everyone who sees it! If I had the time I could have a dozen orders!!!
  13. Froghunter

    Store Sign

    If you ever visit the Orlando Tandy Store (Shameless Plug!!) You can see some of my work in person. When I started working for Tandy I thought that the stores should have some "personality" and showcase some of the things you can do with leather other than the well known wallets, knife cases, saddles etc. So I came up with this idea. The pattern is from the "Dragon Book" we sell. The leather is 8/9 oz scrap from the bin. It was backed with fiberboard after finishing to give it sign worthy rigidity. The Open/Closed piece is glued back to back and is just flipped as needed, I don't have a pic of the open side, but it is the same font and is painted with a green background. This was one of my first carvings. I did the dragon on the left and the Logo, the back ground and the celtic border. Another employee did the dragon on the right. The piece was finished in antique medium brown gel (eco-flo). the logo was blocked out before staining. Again, please critique if you so feel the need! I am still learning and want to gleen as much info from the people on his site as I can! Y'all inspire me to become better!!!
  14. Here is a stab at purse making I did late last year. I carved my version of the wifes tattoo in one side and some old school flash in the other. I have included a pic of the tattoo I used for reference. The handles are Stolman rigging dee's. I really like the look! Interior is embossed ostrich in tan. the loop lacing on the top is dyed red round lace. What do all of you think?
  15. No worries Mike! Glad to be of assistance. Besides, isn't that what people should do, help when they can? I truely hope this event is a barn burner. I have contributed and even organized many charity events, and all I can say is it will make all involved better for their effort. So if you don't hear it enough, Thank you for doing your part!
  16. Yep, good looking work from what I can see too! And yes, larger pics would help! Keep it up! And thanks!
  17. Pardon for me asking, but where do you live? Seems like 3 weeks is a tad long to be waiting for a kit from Tandy. I hope it comes soon! As for the cuts opening up, yes they will always do this, of course a sharp knife will cut leather differently than a swivel knife.
  18. Regis, I have used it before, and it can be sanded SLIGHTLY, you don't want to destroy the nice texture, just take off the edge, so to speak. Not sure where you got the shark, but the stuff I have gotten is usually a brownish and takes a dye really well, so color palette's are endless. I've come up with some wild colors and it usually always looks good. By the way, I've got a couple of 20" or so pieces if you want something a bit larger, just let me know.
  19. Clay, I agree about the tooth, it is out of proportion a smidge, I don't think it's that bad on the original, I think on mine it was me just not "following" the line close enough with my knife. Since I carved mine from a pattern off the original, it wasn't until I was done that I noticed Tina's "lower lip" actually shows in her carving, and doesn't on the drawing, I tried to add one in, but not until I was done, and it didn't turn out quite as I had hoped. I would love to critique your embossed version, however I have never embossed anything so I feel I would't have the knowledge. To my eye it looks great! So anyone who can help me be a better carver, TELL ME WHAT I CAN CHANGE to make this carving better. That way on the next carving I will use those critiques to improve. I do like your use of the pear shader. It gives a softer "Roll" to the snout, where mine shows a hard line. It really is an improvement IMHO on the original, and If I were to try this one again, I would "PLAY" a little more and not necessarily just carve THE design. This was a lot of fun, and I think the critiques on those of us who do the challenge will, in the end, make us better at our craft. Some of us have only been carving a short time.
  20. WOW....looks Great!!! Darn good job! Yeah...this is cool!
  21. Superb! Your seats are just amazing! Super clean! Definately a level most of us hope to obtain!
  22. Wow, what a great idea.....I'm in! Here is my contribution to this months non-contest. I had a few extra minutes after carving so I added a little color. I know this was originally a lioness, but I saw a cougar in mine, hence the black area around the muzzle. I enjoyed this one, it was my first real stab at a realistic animal, at least a real one! I hope I did the original justice. Lemme know what you think!
  23. Very nice work. The carving is well done and the design is well thought out. Me like!
  24. Very nice! I have taught this class in my store, and it's always a BIG hit!!! I have also added green sueded lacing to a longer stem and woven in a few more leather leaves to create a cool Long stem version, with Valentines coming up, I too have a few of these in progress!!!
  25. Good looking work! The Hip quiver is original, I like the color too! As for the lacing, I think it looks good.
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