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Everything posted by Froghunter

  1. Thanks for the words all!!! I enjoy trying to come up with "outside the box" stuff, and once in a while I am successful. I am working on another pattern along this same idea for a wallet. I think that one is gonna be even better! Dbar - I WOULD LOVE TO SEE A SADDLE DONE LIKE THIS!!!!!!! I think it would look INSANE!
  2. Oh come now......leather crafters never have "leftovers"!! I think sometimes my "scrap bin" gets larger than my good stuff bin!
  3. Nice work Drac! Great idea for the "scrap" pile!
  4. Well, I came up with an idea..... Ya I know, scary huh..... So I was fooling around last night and made a pattern and...well....this is what happened. I am extremely happy with it and plan to do more pieces in this type of style. Basically I just removed the flowers from a pattern and added my own stuff. I think these would make great wallets, purses, what ever, at least for those that like that sort of thing. What do y'all think?
  5. I've also found the smaller ones at local dollar stores. The ring binders are pretty tough and I scrap the cheap stuff anyway! Might wanna try that too!
  6. I got one of those!!! It's my motorcycle ke ring! Man would I LOVE that bow tie!!!!!!!
  7. I concur.. To all, I wish you a happy joyous Easter. And for those that do not celebrate this holiday, I wish you a wonderful Sunday, may it be perfect leather carving weather!
  8. Rawkin idea!!!! I am in as well....although not sure anyone wants anything of mine!!
  9. Very nice work! Yes I agree, give us some more pics of the wallet and the belt...would love to see more!
  10. Super sweeeet Spider! I am in the process of doing a coffin box as well. I started it last year for a tattoo artist friend of mine so she can carry her machines, It's almost done, just gotta finish tooling her artwork on the lid. Hopefully I'll get it done soon and post some pics. By the way, LOVE to skull....great job!
  11. BeaUtiful seat dude!!!! Great lacing too! It's you guys who really inspire the rest of us. Tom Swede - Don't worry man, I'll still be there right next to ya lacing.......
  12. Outstanding work Steve!! Beautiful seat! I bet that stingray will give great long wearing service!! You saddle makers amaze me. Maybe someday I'll give it a go just because!
  13. Sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh that's a secret!!!! Seriously tho' one of these days I will give a saddle a try. But I have some studyin to do first!
  14. Nice bags!!!! I am sure there were a lot of satisfied riders!
  15. Wow...I feel really bad about posting this......buuuut....... it was 80 degrees and sunny today.
  16. Thank for the info all! That really helps! Especially the Ebay idea....the one place I hadn't looked!!!! David, thanks for that info as well. Those look doable as well. Y'all are the best!!!!!
  17. Super looking seat Shirley! I am an Army dog, but I can see how a Marine would be PROUD to have that seat! Your work is superb!
  18. OK, I am liking this seat thing, and would like to make up a couple of "samples" or what I hope to call them, off the rack customs. Where do y'all get your seat pans? I have doing a search but everything I am finding is finished or way expensive for a core. What should I expect to pay for a pan? Are there any that I should stay away from? I am trying to get some from different bike riding who have changed to an aftermarket seat, but really want to do some chopper pans. Stock seats are easy, I can use their core, but still need some more "samples". I am not looking at making a mint doing these but it would be cool to add this to my offerings. I have been making a lot of custom cycle items for the past few years and now that I am carving, I thought I would branch out. Any help, advice, etc. would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  19. Thanks for the advice Shirley. I actually did just that, but since he shipped it from the frozen tundra and I have known him for years, and I'm just starting, etc, etc. I thought what the heck. Besides it is an early work, it'll make all my other ones look really really good! Actually, his response to me was that nothing on his bike is symetrical, why should the seat be!!! As soon as he recieves it and I get pics, I'll post them of it on the bike.
  20. Thanks! The tab is for accessing the bolt for attaching to the frame. He didn't make a stand off for the front, so I had to be creative!
  21. Nicely done! I love the looks of the Haida and Inuit artwork in leather. I put an Eagle on one end of my tool carrier and get LOTS of interst in it! Keep up the good work!
  22. Very nice work! I love it when the designs are outside of the box! People ask me all the time, "what can you put in leather designs?" And I tell em it would be easier to list what ya CAN'T do!
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