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Everything posted by Froghunter

  1. Once again Tina, VERY AWESOME! Nice work and the fit and finish looks impeccable!
  2. Outstanding! Nice work Roo! Someday I am gonna try one of these too! How come there is so many cool things we can do with leather but only 24 hours in a day? I need moer time or more arms and hands...either would work!
  3. Good looking stuff Spider..... I love the view from outside the box!
  4. Very nice work. Nice combination of texture. I like the overall look! Keep up the good work!
  5. That is SWEET Kevin! Very unique looking seat! Great work!
  6. Simply magnificent Beez! Once again I stand in awe! Some day I would like to be a fly on the wall and watch you do one of your seats. Keep it up my friend!
  7. Super Tutorial Myriam!! And best of all, it's was written while making something for me!!!! Did I mention that I LOVE IT!!!!
  8. Thanks for all the great compliments....I think I am blushing just a bit! Now to answer a couple of questions.... The insides of the planner are actually a Tandy kit, The number 4303-00. It is all finished and has not only the dayplanner stuff but a second area to use as a clutch. I bought the insides a couple of years ago and it had been sitting in my stuff since then, so I found a piece of low grade 4/5 oz with a lot of "character". I prefer to use lower grade leather myself on a lot of projects, I like the look it gives. (note under the alligator on the back, stretch markes and rough spots) The design is actually from a craftaid that Tandy still sells, it has a few different corners on it, so no not my design. I left the edges raw to add to the character, it blends well with the "Theme" in my opinion. I don't do that often but once in a while it just works! The neat lac works well with the eco-flo. I had a bit of bleed off on the first and second coat, but hardly any on the third. now it can be rubbed and leaves no residue. The only Eco-Flo I don't recommend using neat lac with is the cova color paints, it tend to EAT them!! The new braided waxed thread is easy to work with, but it is a BIT thicker than the old standard thread, so some pulls are little tougher. But all in all it works very well and I too like the variety of colors. Black brown and white can get a bit old! Well I think I answered all the questions....thanks for the great responses, seeing the quality of work on this site, It makes one feel good! Oh and ClayB, please feel free to steal the skulls and Sheridan....I would LOVE to see what you could come up with! ~Ken
  9. Very Nice Work Cecil!!! You are the MAN!!!! Hope to see ya soon!
  10. WOW.....Just got my Pay it forward from Myriam.... ALL I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! It is AWESOME! The font is Perfect! and your swivel knife scroll work is to DIE for!! It's a cool note pad and pen for me to keep in my saddle bags, and I LOVE IT! Thank YOU Thank YOU Thank YOU!!!!!!! Did I mention I love it??!!??????!!!!!!
  11. Very nicely done! Love the handbag! Great way to take something and make it different! Keep having the courage to post pics! Your work is GREAT!
  12. Finished this one today. It's a dayplanner for my daughter. She loves Alligators! So some embossed cowigator (albino) was located and this is what I came up with. Her name is Rebecca, so I personalized it a bit and added her nick on the spine. The stitching is by hand, and I THINK I am getting better! Thread is the new Tandy Orange Braided Nylon. The color is Eco-flo Range Tan as a base and Eco-Flo Antique Saddle Tan as a top coat. I finished it in good ol' neet lac, three hand rubbed coats. Lemme know what ya think!
  13. Yeah I thought of that too AFTER I had sealed it. It was a quick afternoon project, so this one is done....but the next, oh yeah! Plus, this flap wasn't gonna be there, it was a design change when I figured out the first Idea was a bust!!! You know how THAT happens!!!
  14. Superb work as usual Beez!!! Looks like it's time for a tutorial from the Shirley lacemaster! I really like the way it looks and want to give it a try as well!
  15. Very Nice! I too love to see what imagination can do on leather! Y'all keep up the GREAT work!
  16. Thanks guys....I like the way it turned out too! And now I know my shades are protected!!!!
  17. Heck Corter, Thats an awsome offer.... I'll give it a go! What do ya need first to get started! I already have my ideas so this ought to be fun!
  18. Outstanding Spider!!! What a great way to Pay it Forward! Keep it up.....he will appreciate the little things when he gets older!
  19. Well done David! I hope to have half your skill someday!
  20. Very nice work! I took love the notebook!
  21. Froghunter

    Mask on Mask

    Well done! I can't help ya with the wrinkles, but I can admire your work!
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