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Everything posted by Froghunter

  1. Thanks Tom. I am working on my tooling every chance I get. I especially like to carve lettering more so than to stamp it. I think it looks better, mistakes and all!
  2. Thanks Freak! Yes the NEON green is bright, even more so in person! Here is the inside, nothing spectacular, some darker green heavy upholstery. I make most of notebooks as actual covers. That way if the binder fails, changing them out is a snap! No muss no fuss just a quick stop at Staples!
  3. Thanks all for the kind responses! Yeah David, I too like the Kilroy shot! Turned out good! OK...on to the next project!
  4. Good looking ax cover Nate! Welcome to our little corner of heaven!
  5. It's already been said...but that is definately a piece of artwork! Some of te best carving I have seen in a long time! After seeing that I am convinced I must be using the worng end of my tools! Can't wait to see more!
  6. A prodigy is born! Great work and each project shows just how much better you get each time! Your Mum is one heck of a teacher! Keep it up and you'll be putting us all to shame in no time! Seriously tho' cat, you are defintely the FUTURE of our craft! Well Done!
  7. Way Cool! The colors are superb as is the design and tooling! WELL DONE! I don't play BG, but if I did I would want to play on THIS board!
  8. Froghunter


    That is FREAKIN awesome!!! WOW!
  9. Last month we did a notebook class at our store and this is my rendition done for the class. I "borrowed" The Tony Lair pattern from the Tandy website. The Celtic is from an OLD tattoo flash set I have and the spine is a filligreed pattern from Al Stohlman's book. The notebook is finished with Eco Flo range tan dye as a base, then some feibings antique saddle tan paste over. Leatehr sheen for the final coat and a generous overcoat of hide rejuvinator to bring out the luster. The entire piece is saddle stitched by hand and the interior flaps are from a scrap of green oily odd lot I had. The bright green is a scrap from some neon upholstery. And it IS bright! I made this so I can show off photos and the like from classes and other works in my store. I am really happy with the way it turned out. Comments, critiques?
  10. THANKS!!! Yeah, I gotta say my Floral skulls is growing on me....I am working on a design now, hopefully will have it finished by the end of next week....
  11. NICE work Spider!!!! I've used the bandana cloth too....people seem to love it and it's che...inexpensive!!! Keep em coming my friend!
  12. Well, I have been very busy with work lately and not much cow pounding has been going on, but I have found a few minutes here and there and decided to try my hand at some wristbands. I enjoyed making the one for TCLeathercraft for her PIF, so I thought I would draw up some more ideas and pound them out. All are finished in Eco-Flo gel antiques, I used Saddle Tan, Tan, Medium Brown and Black. The finish is good ol' Neet-lac. The ostrich inlay is embossed cowhide, but some of the best I've come across. I really enjoyed doing a few thnigs tht weren't days or weeks of work and construction. I just might have to make more! What do ya all think?
  13. VERY NICE WORK BEEZ!!!!!!! Yup, I think I might be using the wrong end of my tools or sumtin'!
  14. Wicked Superb Spider! Great color and yes, it's creepy scary in a GOOD way!
  15. Super cool Roo! Love the colors! Great job!
  16. Nice Job as usual Spider! Keep em' coming!
  17. Good looking photo box Kate! I have been wanting to make one myself, and this one looks easy and inexpensive! Thank YOU!
  18. Nice Job Jordan!!! And a great use for all the scrap we seem to accumulate as leather crafters!
  19. Nice work Freak! Love the shape, I have one that is similar that I have in my "unfinished gems" pile, maybe I should get it done! Keep up the good work!
  20. Kani, I think your lacing and carving is VERY good! Good looking buckle! Nice work! I would be proud to wear it!
  21. YUP...that's just about perfect, right there! Job well done!
  22. Bro, That makes it all the NICER looking in my eyes! Good Job!
  23. SLEEK! Very elegant Kevin. Great lines. That's gonna be one happy sporty driver! You guys amaze me with your seats. Keep up the good work!
  24. Wow...very nice!!! Great integration of the classic and new! And I agree with David, tell him the world is out of black dye....
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