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About Deb59

  • Birthday 02/09/1959

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  • Location
    Ottawa, KS

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Chaps & Chinks
  • Interested in learning about
    All forms of leathercraft
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  1. Quilting supplies in the Craft Dept have great acrylic rulers to use with the Olfa rotary cutter. They are thick and wide for the reason's Bluesman stated, you can see through them, and they have ruler markings to use for different width fringe or what ever you are cutting. Some have a lip at one end that works great to help cut nice square corners and straight edges on pieces of vegtan for wallet backs. I use the rulers with both the Olfa cutter and a head knife.
  2. I have a Cobra Class 4 and sew chaps as well as Breast Collars. Just have to change the thread and needle size just as with the Toro 3000.
  3. Gringo Bill is right - When I got my Cobra I could not figure out how to adjust the speed of the servo. Called Steve - He told me the machine had to be running in order for the speed to change when you push on the arrow keys. It is in a very ackward location to reach down around the pulley and do this while running the machine, but once you get it adjusted to a speed you like you don't change it too often. Another hint I have learned, If the machine starts to skip a stitch, you probably need to change your needle size. If you are sewing on a thin leather, go down a size, If you are sewing on thick leather go up a size. Also check for any burrs on the needle tip. These tips were passed on from fellow users and have helped me a lot.
  4. Hobby Shops sell magnetic sheets or strips, or disks . You could always glue a square in a compartment of a plano box, in the bottom of a tin, or even use to slide in and out of a needle wallet or small case.
  5. Fantastic piece - Beautiful tooling!
  6. Yes it does make sense - It is done so nicely - The style reminds me of the names they put on the back of highschool letter jackets.
  7. Thank you for Sharing the Sheridan Style Letters - Leatherworkers helping each other, learning and sharing is what this site is all about!!
  8. Very Nice!! She will wear them proudly I am sure! I do have a question - How do you do the lettering?
  9. Very nice - I am sure your girlfriend and her family will treasure the book as well as the memories and tributes to her grandfather that were written.
  10. Just got my dremel set in the mail yesterday - Very Very nice - Can't wait to use them! Thank you for bringing them back again!
  11. One of our Guild members has has the CD " Learn Sheridan Style Leather Carving with Chan Geer" that we have been sharing at meetings - and also a Jim LInnell Sheridan Carving DVD. I also have the book you are talking about with Gardner and Fay. All are good information - Each has a little different method to get their beautiful end results. An advantage to Videos is I can play then pause and try it, rewind if needed watch again. Not quite as good as a class but close!
  12. Welcome - from a neighboring Kansan! This is a great sight for info and helpful people. I will definately be checking out your site!
  13. Contact Janetta at the Independence Mo. Tandy Store, she had a line on some. The narrow is hard to find - rumor had it Tandy was going to add it to their products, but so far have not seen or heard any more. Might email a request to Tandy's home office requesting the narrower lacing and see what they say.
  14. Yeah...That's why it is not sitting at my house right now!
  15. I must not have been clear enough in my explination - I was referring to blank strap products - Some leatherworkers here may want to just buy a pair or two of blanks to finish for their own use, maybe a gift or two. Others may want to purchase in bulk to finish and resell on a larger scale. My thought was you could charge 1 price for individual strap blank orders, (retail blank packaging so to speak) and a wholesale price for bulk orders. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks Deb
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