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About Zapee

  • Birthday 05/02/1988

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    I'm an advanced leather worker hobbiist
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  1. Hello Andrew! What type of laser cutter do you use? I'm thinkink to buy a cheap one from gearbest (China) about 200 $. 2500 MW laser is enough to cut 2 mm leather? Thank you. Zapee
  2. It works! Thank you all of the good informations and suggestions! I sewed about 4 meter and I haven't got this pig-tailing. Evo160k: They already sent me one digital copy from the manual and parts list about 1 week ago. Shame but I do not understand German (Funny the manual has no pictures in it :D ). Thank you. I attached the "best working thread guide what you suggested for me! I can't belive it... it working now like a charm!
  3. Thank you all for taking your time to reply my questions. I learned a lot from you now. I will try all of your suggestions! I love leatherworker.net! Thank you again! Adam
  4. I have a heavy duty sewing machine type Claes 223-2. This machine is "new" for me. I'm trying to sew very thick thread. When i sew about 40-50 cm the thread is getting rolled or drift, I don't know witch is the best word for this phenomenon. What is the reason? The overall look of the stiching I think it's good, but i fear the thread is getting stuck or something when it's too "drifted". Another question: how can I avoid the scratches of the grain size of the leather? (the transmitting tooths scratches the soft leather) There is any trick to avoid this I mean can I protect the leather while i sew it? Any suggestion? Thank you for your help!
  5. Thank you for the info TinkerTailor! A bit more whisky, haha Have a nice day!
  6. My next problem, i need to find a store where I can buy these bobbins (Juki 441 looks like the same i think, thanks for ThinkerTailor for the info) outside from the US, because the high shipping cost from there to Hungary. If somebody can show me an alternative "chinese" or something site i would be very happy! Thank you!
  7. Thank you for the fast reply! I measure it again! (I measured with a ruler... it's not so perfect i think). I will look up for the juki 441 and adler machines.
  8. Hello! First of all, sorry if my english is not too good. I already have a Singer 18-3 shoemaker sewing machine. I live in Hungary, in my country there are not so many used leather sewing machine for sale. I love handsewing leather, but a want to make belts and bigger backpacks with sewing machine (with thick thread). Recently I bought a "big" heavy duty machine. The machine type: Claes 223-2 (this machine was built in 1973. in Germany) It has a very large bobbin and it can sew with the thickest thread (sorry I dont understand the US sizes of the threads, in metric i sew with a number 10 thread (its very thick)...). I want to buy bobbin for this machine because I have only one. I already sent an email to the "new" Claes company but I haven't got any answer yet. The size of the bobbin: 2,54 cm * 3,0 cm in metric. Thank you for the help!
  9. Thank you YinTx! Good to hear words like this!
  10. Gyönyörű lett, gratulálok! Nagyon jó színösszeállítás! Its beautiful, the color is great too!
  11. Thank you for the nice comments! Spartan cadet here is the pattern: https://hu.pinterest.com/pin/336362665896869218/ Also check this picture: https://hu.pinterest.com/pin/426927239656547720/ On the second picture you can see how to stich together the wallet. Have a nice day! I will post some new stuff soon.
  12. Thank you guys! Its an honor to hear these words from you! + info that i forget: Big thanks to the man who uploaded the base template to pinterest.
  13. Hello Dear Leatherworkers, I recently finished my first long wallet. I ruined everything on this project. For examples the stiches. I think the overall look is good but I learn again a lot. The next one will be better! The little birds are burned.
  14. It is my first tablet case and the first project that i carved. I never carved anything before, this was the "challenge" for me.
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