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Posts posted by Crystal

  1. Wow, Clay. That is looking fantastic! Of course, for a sec, I thought you were going for a black swan -

    :popcorn: Can't wait to see the white go on that!

    I like your background color choice and how you faded it to the darker towards the edge. I am very curious to see what you do with the water. :)


  2. Looking good, Tom. I would make the suggestion to use the back of your modeling spoon to mark in the dotted areas of a pattern. You can do that lightly and not have the dashes show up after you do your shaping, but it will leave enough of a guidline for you to work from.

    Oh - and you get double bonus points for making a project stand to hold up your work for photos. (I keep saying I need a "duh" emoticon - my forehead gets so sore sometimes.) :)


  3. Clay, I knew you would do something fabulous with that pattern. I just don't think I realized how high you would be setting the bar! :Holysheep: When you get a tutorial together I promise to do my best when I give it a try. I hope others give it a try, too!

    Thanks for taking the time to give this a whirl!


  4. All done. It got a cleaning, the bad part of the one snap replaced and was stitched back together. Just two light coats of neatsfoot put on it.


    The name "Rocky" is scratched into the side:


    Pic of back stamp:


    I didn't ask about any history to this. The guy is a collector of just about everything. He has muskets to small cannon and everything in between. He's got a really sweet hunting bag that I want to get some pictures of and maybe try to recreate someday.

    Thanks for all the help, everyone!





  5. That appears to be a WW2 "Tanker" holster and the Vedigris is from the brass snaps,If your cust is not a purrist or collector I would replace the snaps with Chrome plated or Stainless From the Boat Canvas folks .That will delay the return of verdigris.I have had good luck in restorations with Lexol ,but use it very sparingly.I have been collecting this stuff since the 60"s so I hope it turns out OK!

    Thanks, Rob. Neat to know the history on this. He just wants the one snap replaced and I only actually have to change out the male end on that. I had to remove the stitching to get to the snap, or I wouldn't have touched that. After I removed the stitching then I found all this other stuff. I am just going to try to get it back to him without doing too much damage to it. I'll try to remember to get a pic of the front side when I am done.


    I just remembered what I used to clean Verdigris from some conchos years ago. It was Hoppes bore solvent!


    Thanks, Tony. I actually found that solvent online!


  6. Just remember one important thing about vinegar. It needs to be neutralized after using it on leather. Vinegar by itself will remove bluing from a gun in about 5-10 minutes and it's not a good thing to use on gun leather without neutralizing.

    Thanks Frank. Didn't think about that. I had read to use vinegar to get rid of mold, but don't remember seeing anything about neutralizing it afterward. I had seen where you need to neutralize the vinegroon and thought that was to stop the chemical process and help to eliminate the vinegar oder.


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