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Posts posted by Crystal

  1. Your on the right track crystal, something like BlackRock or any good oil cond. will be fine.

    Thank you, Mike!

    it's called Verdigris. It usually happens with brass and those snaps would be plated brass. I think vinegar will remove Verdigris, can't be sure of that, though.


    The green is gunky and greasy feeling. I will attack it with some vinegar and see how it goes. Thanks for the help!


  2. Hi All-

    I was given this holster to replace a snap. I had to take the stitching apart to get to the snap and found this wonderful green gunk on the backside of the snaps. What would be the best way to go about cleaning this?

    The holster is stamped 1944 and the leather is in fairly good shape, just a little dry. See anything wrong with giving it a good scrubbing with saddle soap, a rinse, air dry and a light coat of neatsfoot oil?


    Thanks for the help!



  3. I can only add for rifle slings but I use neoprene for the padding on those guys. Right now Im doubling up 1/8" until I get rid of the skin then I will order some 1/4" stuff. Neopene or closed cell foam works great for strap padding and such. I think its easy to work with, you can cut it to shape and it glues very easily.


    Thanks for the info. Also appreciate the supplier link!


  4. Looking good, Josh. Your swivel knife work is getting much better. Nice round on the nose. The only thing I think I would have tried to do a bit different would be on the mane and forelock. I have a hard time with hair and fur. Next time around try not to define the end of the hair line with a cut that runs at the bottom. Have the strands end in individual points. (Not each hair, more like sections of hair.) Can't wait to see it all together! Keep up the good work.


  5. Well - since I am far enough away from Johanna that I am fairly sure she can't hit me with a snowball, I will have to say that I will be rooting for the puppies on Animal Planet's "PuppyBowl". And the "Kittie Half-time Show" is always good. :) Seriously, I will be channel surfing from that to the Superbowl, have to check out all those cool commercials. My sister, however, will be calling me every 2 minutes with an update and repeatedly telling me that the Steelers will win and why. That's usually how I get my football updates. If my phone isn't ringing, I know the Steelers are not doing well. Everyone that I have talked to around here is disappointed that this is isn't a "Turnpike Bowl Game." And Jo- husbands usually have at least one flaw - I am married to a Cowboy's fan. ;)


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