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Posts posted by Crystal

  1. Yeah - wow. Looks fantastic!

    Does it still have it's stick? Not that I'm a fan of complicated things... ;) ... how about some kind of mount with a mirror - then you can see both sides at the same time? And no - I have no ideas on how to actually do that. :huh:

    Thanks for taking the time to show the in-progress pics.


  2. Next question....Do the three additional tools -specific stamps in this case- have to be used as intended (stock stamps, no special modifications)? I ask because us poor folk tend to be quite creative when we need something we don't have. If need be, I could video myself making it to provide 'proof of concept'.

    I think I'll play. ( Just so long as Crystal doesn't drop any BOMBs like she did for the August challenge. :rolleyes2: )

    Mike - there were some things involved in that challenge that you are not aware of.

    There was a rabbit and a hat and a blue moon. I checked the lunar calendar and there isn't a blue moon scheduled anytime soon. I have seen neither hat nor hare since. I don't miss the hat, but I think I need to look for the rabbit. I hope it hasn't died.


  3. Give this a try . . . it's the way I was taught by an old-time saddler.

    Go back two stitches, as previously suggested, but on the last stitch wrap the loop thread once around the needle before pulling it tight (see pic). This effectively ties a knot inside the hole, and it will never come loose. Trim the ends flush in the usual way.

    Good tip! Thanks!


  4. Ok so here is the secret and don't get mad because I didn't tell you at the first, ok so it's not a stitch not really I hand sharpened a over stitch wheel then I took a liner paint brush and wet down the groove let it sit then I ran the wheel deep very deep, Let it dry then stained then ran the wheel again on it the I dry raged the black dye then ran the wheel again. So that's it I did not like the stich look on this one so I kind of stamped it in a way.


    :) - way to go! I think Billy 2Shews calls that a Taiwanese sewing machine.


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