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Posts posted by Crystal

  1. Crystal,

    You get an A for originality! That's a really neat idea. Don't worry too much about failing the semester, we'll let you take it over. I took a class this weekend and the teacher, Yaklady (my mom) was throwing things at me. I get no respect!

    Thanks for playing.


    Whew - glad there are do-overs! :) You know you could have just thrown everything back at Yaklady.... well, maybe that isn't such a good idea, I've heard what she does to bad yaks. :blink:

    Did you guys take any pictures of the class? Would have loved to have been there!


  2. No rules, right? :)

    This looks more like a bad slasher movie victim, but I just don't have the usual 4 weeks it takes me to try to do something. So in a manic 4 hour rush - this is more of a "thought in process". Didn't even try to make it a finished piece. Just kind of wanted to play around with the idea.


    I am going to fail this semester - no homework done at all last month - incomplete homework this month - threatening the substitute teacher with paper missiles....

    not looking good for me, is it? :rip_1:



  3. Thanks for the links. I am now curious as to whether I would like Marmite. mmmm I did enjoy the description in the wiki - "an edible yeast extract with the visual properties of an industrial lubricant" :-) I would like to try the dandelion and burdock concoction.

    I found this for you on the scrapple:


    The "scrapple musings" at the bottom of the page may be interesting. I am not sure I even want to eat it again after reading with what and how it is made. :o One of those things, like hotdogs, sometimes better off not knowing too much.


  4. Exactly what is Marmite and Vegimite?

    Ray- I have noted the "mushy peas" recipie (thank you for that) and think I will take your word that it is "foul" instead of doing a taste test in the spirit of cultural diversity.

    English breakfast sounds pretty good. Although, we don't usually have tomatoes (unless included in an omlete) and I have never encountered beans as a side option for breakfast. This may be different the further south and west you go from PA. We have "scrapple" (mixture of hog bits and cornmeal) usually fried with syrup on top. Yes - that is a "yum".

    Dandelion and Burdock as drinks? As in wine or someother form? Dandelion mentioned here will unite neighbors in chemical warfare to eradicate the little buggers and keep them from yellowing up our lawns. Burdock is nasty stuff that gets caught up in dog and horse coats. It is best eliminated by burning it to the ground. My grandmother used to make wilted dandelion leaves with hot bacon dressing served over fried potatoes and hard boiled eggs for dinner. Quite tasty -but I have never tried making it myself. We have pickled eggs and red beets. Need to toss in "Shoo Fly Pie" for desert.

    Sarsparilla, Rootbeer and Birch beer are all three different sodas. Rootbeer is best with vanilla ice cream and that is a "float" or a "Black Cow".

    Art - dead on with the conversion! :-)

    This has been so fun to read! Good idea, Ray!


  5. Hi - I don't know anything about what you want to do but I saw this the other day on the front page of Leatherworker in the "More Tips and Tricks".


    Lots of other goodies there in the tutorials. Read it all! :)

    Smartflix has dvd rentals on making holsters and sheaths and on leather work.

    Good luck and have lots of fun!


  6. Crystal, don't they deep fry everything in the states!!!


    Yes, Tony, we do deep fry everything. Hot dogs, turkeys and venison seem to be the in thing right now. Never had a deep fried dog, but have been invited to picnics where the bird got dunked in oil. I didn't like it all that much. A chain restuaraunt here (TGI Friday's)serves deep fried green beans. Saw on a tv program a restuarant in NY was deep frying mac & cheese, pizza, and pie.


    Ray - Mushy peas? Does that just make them easier to pick up with the backside of your fork? We hold our forks "upside down". ;) I am going to let our southern members explain grits and homeny.

  7. We also have some Interstate highways that are toll roads and Pennsylvania has a "Turnpike" which is a toll road. I always thought that "freeways" were designed to "free-up" traffic congestion around metropolitain areas. Highway was just a generic term for limited access roads which had at least 2 lanes in both directions. That's just the way I understand them.

    We do seem to love our big trucks and SUV's. Have to have them to haul the trailers with the 4 wheelers in tow. There is a new park in PA that is specifically for 4 wheelers - camp sites and miles of trails. I think they also use it for snowmobiles, though we don't seem to get enough snow any more for the "sleds".

    Never gave much thought to "bathrooms", but Johanna defined that well. Some call it going to the "can" or using the "head". Could that be a class determination?

    Since this is all in fun and I am curious - are we in the US "Dental Obsessed" or is there a difference in dental care or the need/want for dental care? Just about very kid here ends up with braces.

    Unless you are in a large city - no one can really walk and get to anything. Can't go for a walk and wind up at a pub, or a market. No one really uses bicycles here (meaning my area) unless you are exercize obsessed or belong to an Old Order Mennonite or Amish religion which prohibits use of autos.

    Can't stand Twinkies, although I have seen where you can get them deep fried now. Never tried that. Fairs are also offering deep fried Oreos. I just don't know about that.


  8. Don't know if this will help or not, Ray. I've been asked to make some cases for in-laws. I didn't want a bunch of parts, or a bunch of sewing, and everyone wants some kind of design on them. And, of course, like you said, they are all different sizes. I didn't get a pic of #1, but this is no. 2. About 4-5 oz veg tan.

    This is about 10 3/4" long and the middle is 2" wide.


    I haven't sewn this one together.


    First one I sewed the "T" part of the end together. Slid the flap end through and then sewed a belt loop over top of the connected "T" part. This lets the bottom of the case be able to float a bit to adjust for the height of the phone. I cut out part of this to make room for the antenna. I didn't like the length on the flap - it's a bit long, but I think it will make it easier for pap-in-law (he's 91) to open the flap.

    Far from perfect - and chime in if you see anywhere to make changes!




  9. Thanks Tony! I found some pictures and info on the Huon Pines. Such interesting trees. I think it is just amazing that there are things like this that are still alive after thousands of years. Thanks for the point in their direction.


    Thanks, Crystal. Very interesting reading. We have some very old trees here also. They harvested one Huon Pine in the mid 70's when they dammed the Gordon River and it was purported to be 3000 years old. Look up Huon Pines on Google, good reading!


  10. In the local paper here in Tasmania, the state forestry say they have found a 101 metre Swamp Gum. It is second only to a Coast Redwood in Redwood National Park in the US which is 115 metres. They say the gum may have been taller had not an unknown amount broken off over the past 400 years. The one beside it is 86 metres. They didn't say how old the Redwood is. Does anyone here know?


    Hi Tony-

    This is what I found with a quick look. Says the redwood tree would be over 1,000 years old.


    But this was a neat topic, so I looked a little further. This is the oldest tree on earth (not the tallest.)



  11. The dye is on the rough side and I can get it covered and thinned out a bit when I do wet molding. I can get it covered by black dye. And it would be no trouble at all for my brown holsters.

    This leather is what's remaining off that side of HO I picked up in Aug. and I have a new side already here. But, I'll be able to finish this one out without much waste :) I'm fixing to start on a new belt for myself. It won't be anything fancy, just a black, double layered 1.5" belt with a nickel heel buckle to replace a long trusted Carhartt piece I've worn for the last 4 or 5 years. Who'd trust a chef that won't eat his own cooking???? :D

    Whew - a recovery plan. Now how did you manage to do that and have it good side down?? :) It never happens that way in this house.

    I really like the marbled effect you are getting on the holsters. Be sure to show off the belt when you are finished. I don't know if it is the chef who won't eat his own cooking or more like the cobbler's kids that have no shoes.... ;) Either way - treat yourself to a belt!


  12. Muhahahahaha!!! This album is MINE now! Mine I tell you! MINE!!

    I met Crystal at the IFOLG show and she showed me this album. I was hugely impressed! I didn't even have to sneak into her room to steal it. She gave it to me! I love it. The detail is intense and very well done. I think the bargrounding is beautiful. Mine ends up looking like shredded wheat with little pills everywhere. Hers is even, level, smooth, and actually looks like little dots.

    Sure, I'm green and all, but I know quality when I see it and this thing is fantastic. Much better in 3D than the pictures can possibly show.


    Ahhh, Brent, that money was to plug the NEXT project..... :crazy:

    (Thanks. :blush: )


  13. I agree, it was really nice meeting you too:-)

    The lace (which I love) I bought from Ebay, a very old stock from some New York companny that doesnt excist anymore, or I can not find it on the net...If you want the name 'knock' cuz I'm to lacy to run upstairs right now. When it came it was quite fragile but after using some nice products on there they came out great...Thinner but yet stronger than the calf lace you'll find today. So, when this stock is gone...it's gone :head_hurts_kr:

    Yeah I did dye the lace. The background color I used on the holster (Angelus "Blue Jean" spirit dye) I just tossed some lace into the bottle for a while and when dry had some neetfoot oil to get it into the right "mood" again :rolleyes: It kind'a works.

    Hope this helps some:-)

    Helps alot. I didn't think I had seen anything like it before. (No need to trot up the steps.) Good find, hoard it well. Thanks for the dying tips! Everything matched so well, I thought there needed to be a custom twist for the color. Thanks so much! :)


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