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Posts posted by Crystal

  1. Thanks, LB. I think I saw what I need when I went to their site. Just need to check sizes.Thanks for the link!Crystal

    Thanks, Drac! I've looked at OTB several times, but, alas, I am not a business and cannot get a catalog from what I am reading there. :( Crystal

  2. Ah, You're cheating Crystal! Nice hair dye job. I like the way the brown makes the white show up so well. LOL Do you chase cars too?


    Art, cars are quite safe - squirrels are not. :mad:

    I may nip at a nosey horse once in a while, but have a healthy respect for the cats. And that is my natural hair color! Some of us are just blessed. :)

    (If I had something other than my driver's license photo to show - I would...lol)


  3. Just wanted to say it was so nice to get to meet everyone that I did, and am so sorry to miss all of you whom I didn't get a chance see.

    Congratulations to everyone who entered and who entered and won a prize! All of the items that I saw were just beautiful! Very inspiring!

    I got a chance to take a class from Jeff Mosby, and can't say enough nice things about him and his class. If you get a chance to take one of his classes it is well worth your time.

    The shopping was great! So nice to be able to see, touch and try tools instead of just net ordering.

    What a wonderful, friendly bunch of folks from here and there! Can't wait for the next one!


  4. Crystal,

    The "dog at my homework" excuse is old and used up. You need something more original. How about, "my brother pee'd on my homework". My daughter actually had to use that once, and it wasn't even made up. Our oldest son was sleepwalking, came into the living room and decided that the coffee table was the toilet. Just so happened that that's where my daughters homework was. My wife was in the kitchen and couldn't figure out why it sounded like water running in the living room. So that's no the excuse around here.

    I'm gonna clean up my messsy workshop today and hopefully will have some room and some time to at least start on this months challenge tomorrow. You should come over and we could see if we could do something about that aversion to carving fur.

    Mmmm - shoulda said the dog pee'd on my homework. :-) My husband's one cousin sleep walked when they were kids. On night the grown-ups were watching a movie after the kids went to bed and he come down and pee'd in the popcorn bowl. Must be a thing with coffee tables.

    I'd pop right over for a lesson, messy room or not, but my mom always said to stay away from places called "Bad Lands". Or was it "bad part of town". Can't remember. It's terrible getting old.


  5. Caroline- I also like the proportion of the wolf to the moon and the stars in the background. Nice job! :thumbsup:

    Clay- Sorry - the dog ate my homework... no... that's not true. The dog WOULD eat my homework... no... that's not true either. I have an aversion to tooling fur. That's the real story. I'd have ended up with a coyote with a bad case of the mange. :head_hurts_kr:


  6. Thanks, Tom! Alot of good tips there. Not sure I'd have figured out to punch the holes then eye up the alignment and mark for the top. (Well - not in the first week of me trying, maybe by new top number 10 or 12 :-) Do you think it would help when lacing the top to tie off in a few places to keep it from sliding? I need to put this holder on my list of things I want to try to make. Thanks!


  7. Hi all-

    I have a cousin getting married and thought a leather photo album might make a nice gift. I am thinking of doing all white with some kind of black scroll work. Or something to that effect. Still thinking... The album would be somewhere around 13"X13". Want to do front and back.

    My question is what would be the best way to get good coverage for the white? I don't think white dye is going to do the trick - or will it? Would acrylics be better? Any problems with acrylics over a large area? Peeling? Cracking? Not sure I want a bright white. Told ya I was still thinking. :huh: Her wedding "colors" are green and brown - I am not sure that would be too appealing unless I nailed the green and am not sure I am that good at mixing.

    Any ideas or thoughts are greatly appreciated.



  8. Maybe I've been seeing too many episodes of Murder She Wrote, But that looks like duct tape and a knife to the left of hubby's bench and I think he's looking for more space. Be Careful!!! Kevin

    Yeah, Kevin - that has me a bit concerned... he offered to allow me to move to the "war room" with my stuff to get it out of the dining room. But I did notice that MY work space is beside the antique 1959 oil furnace and also (not pictured) almost on top of crates of ammo. Think I need to call and see what my insurace policy is currently valued at?

    I am going down and doing a bit of cleaning this evening - at least putting anything flamable away. Well- maybe cleaning up a bit more than just that. :)

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