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Posts posted by Crystal

  1. Tom- it looks great! I like the design you came up with. And just love your red and black combos. :You_Rock_Emoticon:

    I looked hard and couldn't see anything that didn't seem right. I think that we try so hard to do our best work we are really critical of ourselves. Wildrose pretty much hit that on the head. I am going to make a practice of taking pictures and looking at everything in the photo program because I have seen stuff I have completely missed tooling and could not see it while I was working on it. (Another version of the put it down and walk away for a bit...)

    Keep up the good work!


  2. We don't have to worry about hurricanes here, thank goodness. I don't know how you all deal with that kind of situation on a yearly basis.

    The hubby and I were on vacation in FL in '99 when they evac'd the Miami area for hurrican Floyd. We were in Ft Myers. Seemed like everyone came west. I went "hurricane" shopping at the local Publix and had a hard time trying to figure out what to buy. Here in PA we occasionally get some blizzards and ice storms. We don't have to worry about keeping anything COLD. Just put it outside in the snow. Made for an interesting grocery run. (Of course, a weather call here for some snow and the stores are all picked clean of all the bread and milk.) We drove home to PA and were in the empty lanes of I-95. Looked like bumper to bumper in the south bound lanes clear to Charlotte. I can't imagine having to evacuate from my home.

    I wish everyone along the coast the best of luck. You all will be in our prayers.

    One of the things I was trying to figure out at the Publix was - if you have no power and no way to heat or cool anything - what is the best soup to buy? Couldn't decide so bought PB and J, crackers, bread and water, a flashlight and batteries. Just call me "rookie". :huh:


  3. Siegals of California used to have them but I notice they are currently not stocking them. They do have pricking irons though?abbey in the UK has themhttp://www.abbeysaddlery.co.uk/product_detail.cfm?id=FA021Barra
    Thank you Barra. I was pointed to Abbey Saddlery last night - they are a bit above my budget. :) The pricking irons are definitely an option. Thanks for the help!Crystal
    you can get a glass slicker from Barry King as well.Marlon
    Thank you, Marlon. I am hoping to see Barry King at the IFoLG in September. Crystal

  4. Crystal,


    That is a great example of delicate knifework and using cuts to create shading and detail.

    Is the 1/4" blade now your blade of choice?

    What is the name of the book?


    Thanks, Johnny. I think I had a little better control with the smaller blade and the flat 1/4" isn't as sharp as the 1/4" angle. I haven't tried it on anything else, yet. The book is Treasury of Ironwork Design, I found it on Amazon.


  5. Thanks so much, guys.

    I didn't draw this - it is from a book on ironwork I picked up to help me with leaves and scrolls. One of those designs that looked cool to try to tool but was too detailed for any of my tools (or me). The August challenge just made me look at it a bit differenty. I have not liked knife work since I started leather work because I find it very difficult. This is the first time I used that 1/4" blade and I think it made a big difference.

    Freak - I have to fuss with the photos in a photo program to try to get them easier to see. The color always seems way off. I must learn to take pictures and make a light box.

    Thanks for the comments. I needed to pull this one off after throwing out attempts #1,#2,#3, and #4 on the July challenge. :)

    Keep 'em coming, Clay!


  6. I don't think this is exactly what the challenge is - but it's what I came up with. 1/4" hollowground swivel knife blade, a few touchups with a modeling spoon and since I tried and had a snowball's chance of ever getting circles down - I used a Pro Petal to do them. What is traditionaly used to finish scroll work? I'd like to try something that is suggested and get better pictures in the daylight. Sorry about the bad pictures.






  7. Wow. Thanks so much for showing your process. Your work is amazing. (Do we get to see more???) :) I know it probably vaires by suit - but how many individual pieces do you end up putting together? How long does this take? The scales look fabulous, especially with the red and black. Thanks again for sharing.


  8. I was wondering about your nails leaving marks on

    the wet leather when I thought she probably made

    herself some soft deer skin finger thimbles. I guess

    for the first time in my life I was wrong .....thanks. :head_hurts_kr:


    P.S. I think it looks great.

    Thanks, Windy. Hadn't thought about finger thimbles... the leather I have to work with at the moment - nail marks don't really matter that much. I think this cow was a blood donor at a mosquito farm in Alaska. :lol: I have thought about making pinky finger gloves for stitching, though.

  9. Crystal, great work on the pouch. I was digging in the drawers for something the other day and ran across hubby's dual cigar pouch and considered giving it a go. Running across your post just might be a sign! :)

    What sized dowels are needed? What weight of leather would work well?

    Thanks, Shorts. I used a 7/8th's inch dowel for this and it is a snug fit. The leather was (I think) 3-4 oz. If I were to do this again I would use a 1" dowel and go with heavier leather just for the "crush factor". The light stuff is holding it's shape, but is easily squeezed out of shape. Can't wait to see yours!


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