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Posts posted by Crystal

  1. Are black bears just grizzlies which have been playing in the fire pit?

    Yes, Crystal, there were 2 babies. The second was born sick and was too weak to make it. He was not a "bad" yak, just unfortunate. It was depressing, but big brother is doing just fine. Thanks for asking. I can post new pictures as he grows, if you like.

    We found something amuzing in the local paper the other day. Under Sherrif's Calls, there was a heading of "Yakity Yak". Seems my bull threatened a neighbor through the fence. They called Animal Control to place a complaint, saying they didn't think the fence was sufficient to keep the bull in. Animal Control came to their house and checked out the fence, which I had recently fixed up with 48" field fencing. They said the fence is good enough, and left it at that. They didn't even come to talk to us about it. Perhaps I should put off training the yaks to jump!

    Yours truly,


    So sorry to hear about baby #2. *talking with foot in mouth* I thought maybe he was camera shy or mommy was overly protective. Baby #1 looks great and maybe next year he will have another little sibling. I am one of those people who enjoys looking at other people's baby pics - so keep 'em coming. I only have normal critters - 1 dog, 5 cats and 5 horses - the yaks are interesting.

    It is odd that you weren't contacted about the fence. A little heads up on the report may have been nice.

    Maybe that is a possible job for the herd - "Attack Yak Perimeter Protection Services" No one gets in - No one gets out. :police:


  2. :clapping:

    Great job! A couple of things stood out for me: The 3D skull in the frame was really sharp, I liked the little dudes along the floor in your set up, and hanging the earrings in the tree was a really good idea. Your basket weave on your coasters was great! The first pair of earrings with the yellow eyes and green and yellow beads are talking to me - if they didn't sell/or don't sell you'll have to let me know....


  3. I totally get what you're saying Crystal. I'll try that on the next one, after the one that's on the table now is done. LOL ! Already cut and dyed.

    I don't think the paint from the paintballs will affect the leather once it's sealed. Most places won't let you use certain brands of paint for the stain reason and it causes mold on their park. I'm more concerned with the fact that i'm using eco flo dye. We play in the rain and mud sometimes. Guess this will be a true test of dye.

    LOL !! That's just to freakin funny you know what movie that's from. YOU ROCK !!

    (Thanks - how come that is never the final question on Jeopardy??)

    Thanks for the input.

    Just glad to finally be able to come up with 2 cents worth of a thought to pass on...

    With the colors you are using - a camo pattern would be neat. Camo-skulls???


  4. Freak - The antique looks really cool.

    I will TRY to explain a half baked idea- :Lighten:

    Instead of a zipper - replace with velcro in the same place. Wrap your center piece the entire way around adding an extension for a flap. Use the flap for the other side of your velcro. Start and then stop your basket weave where the flap starts. That should get you lined up with your snap flap. The lacing will not be connected.


    Just an idea. I haven't used velcro on leather - but you should be able to glue it down - eliminating some sewing.

    If I can be more confusing - just ask.

    How will paint from the paintball affect the leather - does it stain?

    Raising Arizona.



  5. I'm with Jbird & Mike, it's time for the posse to ride!!!! It amazes me that some pencil-necked geek finds pleasure in messing(I'm watching my mouth) with other people's stuff! I say drag 'em behind the horse! Johanna & Kate, thank you for all you do to keep us forum junkies happy.

    :16: I had visions of torches, a few coils of rope and a mob...... :rofl:


  6. I am always looking for the "advice" or "critique" or "should've done this" in all the posts on the board. I have seen some work that I thought was really nice then a few replies later and a comment is made on how to improve or change something - I go back, look at the pic and sure enough I have an "ah ha" moment and see what was wrong . I am just not experienced enough to know what is wrong or the better way to do something. I really want the critique. I want the help. I want to get really good at this.

    I was always under the assumtion that if you wanted help to post in the "Critique My Work". I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to reply and comment and suggest and yes - the "atta boy" comments help keep the motivation flowing.

    LW is a wonderful place - the range of skill and talent here is just amazing. This is the only exposure I have to this kind of work and I am treating it like my school. I have never been to a show, I am hours away from any kind of store, PA is kind of dry in the "workshop" area- I've never had any classes or seen leatherwork done in person, so this is the only place I can get any real help or knowledge. I rely on the comments to improve and I appreciate everyone who takes the time to help me and all the other members.


  7. Thanks for posting this, Clay. :thumbsup:

    I am going to start a "Don't do this" board on my work table. And at the top of the list will be "Don't connect cuts on points" I always forget this until I do it :blush:

    (#2 on list is "Don't forget to mark patterns - top and bottom) LOL

    What leather weight do you usually use for your figure carving? Everything I have done has been with 3-4oz and I don't know if this makes a difference or not when it comes to carving and stamping.

    Thanks again for the tutorial!


  8. Crystal - if you think that's a tough name combo: when I worked at a community college there was a man with your married last name, and his first name was Harry. God honest truth. What parent does that?


    (It that's too adult of a bit of humor, mods feel free to delete it...)

    :16: My Father-in-law's first name is: Richard. :)

    Worked with a guy who's friend's last name was Lear. They actually named their baby girl: Krystle Chanda Lear. WHY DO PARENTS DO THIS TO THEIR CHILDREN??? :rofl:

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