I'm in the process of taking up Single Action shooting, and the two revolvers I bought came with a single Buscadero-style holster, made by Hunter. I wanted a crossdraw holster to go with it, but could not find exactly what I wanted (I'll spare you the details of the hours wasted searching!!). So I thought "I wonder what's involved in making one?". Lots of reading and watching of youtube videos (thanks, Nigel A, for the excellent stitching videos you made), and the result was a quite acceptable crossdraw holster.
Only problem was that I soon realised it wasn't going to work too well with the existing belt/holster - so the obvious solution was to make another holster and a suitable belt.
End result below. Please bear in mind that this is the first bit of "real" leatherwork I've done, so there's mistakes (if you know where to look ). The revolvers are Uberti 1875's with 7 1/2" barrels.
Did I mention it was fun?