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About calanneh

  • Birthday 09/18/1969

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Union City, CA
  • Interests
    Native American leather regalia
    Ren Fest leather
    Boy Scout items

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    none yet
  • Interested in learning about
    general leather working
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    web search

calanneh's Achievements


Member (2/4)

  1. Hey Cal, I came across your post today. I'm not sure the area of Houston your looking for but, we started a guild a few months back in the Spring area, just North of Houston. Send me a message if your interested.

  2. Not a problem! That was just the little scrappies I could fit into my purse lol.

  3. Hey Katie! Thx for the ping. I loved seeing your work at the store the other day! Bring more!

  4. Hey there, it's the gal from Tandy yesterday! Just saying hi :)

  5. Hey hidepounders! I am looking for the discontinued Tandy Bikini pattern pack. I am willing to pack for the pack and postage! Please PM me! Calanneh
  6. happy birthday bud.

  7. Hey folks!! Been awhile since I posted but thought I would share a little today!! I taught the Leatherwork Merit Badge this past June and thought I would share a few pix. I went a different way this time and picked one pattern for all the guys to make instead of them each picking different patterns. I used the 'beer bottle holster' design that I have seen on several sites on the net and used it as a 'water bottle holster' for the Scouts to use on campouts. It holds standard water bottles and the smaller gatorade bottle perfectly! Most of the boys were in 6th to 7th grade, but i even had an older teen girl (staff) come by and take the whole class to make a holster for herself. I dont have the pattern on this computer to upload, but you can see one laying flat in the middle of the table in the first picture. It is a simple 3 piece pattern, back, front and tab at the bottom. The guys layed out and traced the pattern onto a piece of vegtan, cut out and then punched the holes for sewing, bevelled and slicked the edges, stamped their designs into them, I spray dyed and sheened them to save class time, I helped them set the rivets and then they sewed them up!! They all loved the class and had a blast!!! Enjoy the pix!! p.s. Yes that is my bald head attached to the fat guy sitting there on the floor...
  8. Guess they got tired of sharing as the link is no longer active.
  9. Beatiful work Tina!!!!
  10. Thanks for the patterns Jim!! The projects and patterns both look wonderful!!!!
  11. Looks great Tom!! I love working a pattern out and making them from scratch, even if it takes a few times!! LOL Great job! William
  12. I love it! The wet forming around the bottom looks wonderful. I dont see any stretches or wrinkles at all. Great Work!
  13. Congratz bro!!! I can't wait to see the article!!!! Will
  14. Luv em! They look wonderful! William
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