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Everything posted by rickdroid

  1. I had thought that perhaps the publisher had reduced the original drawing to make it fit within the book. If so then at least trying an enlarged version would be a reasonable idea. rick
  2. Would it work if you used the copier to enlarge the pattern? I know it is a silly question but thought I would ask.
  3. I have got a couple that I would be willing to loan. Maybe a list of who has what gun could be pinned somewhere so that we could go there when we needed one. Anyhow if someone is making a list of lenders please add my name rick
  4. Thanks for taking time to answer. I do have three of Stohlman's books but they cover basic skills which i still need a lot more work on. Thanks again for the reply, gives me some hope that some day I can make something I am proud enough of to post pictures of. rick
  5. Rohn, that is a very beautiful piece. I have not yet tried carving, other than practicing on some scrap and so far the results are less than stellar. When I look at your work, the overall layout of the design, the fine detail in each leaf and the choice of the background I wonder if I will ever be able to come close to the quality that I see in your work. I was wondering how your general artistic skills are. Are you an artist? How are your drawing skills? Were you a good artist when you started carving or did you learn along the way? I ask because my artistic skills are non-existent and I wonder if I would ever be capable of your level of work no matter how long I try.. Anyhow thanks, I really like seeing your work. It always makes me want to know more. rick
  6. Searching for affordable pricking irons I ran cross this site http://www.bowstock.co.uk/acatalog/Pricking_irons-p1.html I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this company or their pricking irons. Thanks Rick
  7. Add "Stiles Switch" in Austin to your list.
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