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Everything posted by jbird

  1. well you guys I am blushing but I think I can find some few hundred things I could do better next time, but I am happy with it over all and thanks for the input it means a lot. Josh
  2. Howdy and merry christmas this is a gun designed and built by my brother for are youngest brother he is 10, its a rubber band gun, I designed the holster and of corse did all the work on it and the belt. I know it is lacking but my first go at a holster, its a christmas gift so any input as always is welcomed and I thank you. josh
  3. Not sure how you can remove that, but I would say this that you can use oil dye over water base if the water base is dry, and one more thing on the highlight stain is the color changes depending on if the leather is tooled I have heavly tested on highlight stain and you can have it turn out good but for black use oil dye or vinagroon. Josh
  4. Well now I guess it got it right Jordan.
  5. I would be proud of that name LOL
  6. What a laugh I am Hobbit (polo deepdeiver of Brockenboring Elivish ( elwë narmolanya
  7. That's good to know I had never seen it before I just kind of thought it up you know self thaught is hard, you discover. Josh
  8. Ok so here is the secret and don't get mad because I didn't tell you at the first, ok so it's not a stitch not really I hand sharpened a over stitch wheel then I took a liner paint brush and wet down the groove let it sit then I ran the wheel deep very deep, Let it dry then stained then ran the wheel again on it the I dry raged the black dye then ran the wheel again. So that's it I did not like the stich look on this one so I kind of stamped it in a way. Josh
  9. Thanks every one I had work up a new belt for a guy that was new for me, but he was happy. Josh
  10. thanks max I will check it out. josh
  11. Howdy all so here is my latest belt, finished today a little different for me so what do think, that buckle is not what I want but no luck finding what I am after. Josh
  12. what is your local store jordan I mean there is the one in west valley but were else. Josh
  13. I thought that was it but just wanted to make sure. Josh
  14. Howdy all I have looked and looked but no go I need a nice buckle for a dress belt here is a pic of kind of what I am looking for. you see its kind of along gated, so any ideas. Josh
  15. Howdy there get a hold of indybear or ( John Karnes ) front-line prouducts Email is front_line42(at)yahoo(dot)com He has made some stamps for me there top notch very good work and he is a member of this site. edit: email addy
  16. Very nice Mike you should post more pics so I can keep learning thanks for posting. Josh
  17. Happy Birthday Tom !
  18. amzing !! But how did you hide the stitches. Josh
  19. fantastic work art what a artist you are clean and neat. Josh
  20. great work very nice. First rate job Josh
  21. Thank you for the input, I love that stamp it is very cool but have not had the chance to use it much, as for the color it's a black mixed with a little mahogany red. Josh
  22. Howdy all I was very happy to get the help from all of you from the last sheath thank you, but I made this one before I posted the last one so it has many of the same faults, but I thought it was worth showing even with its short failings thanks again for all your input, The same input is welcome on this one. Josh P.S> you remember the bear belt that went to alaska this is headed there to.
  23. wow chuck thanks a bunch that is awsome stuff I will put it to work thanks. Josh
  24. I now it's not right but I don't have the material.
  25. Thank you I am in your debt, thank you for taking the time. Josh
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