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Everything posted by hivemind

  1. I cut a lot of 14-16oz stuff for armor on my bench mounted scroll saw, and all the sole bend I work with gets cut on it. I also use it to cut out small curvy things, like round eyeholes in masks. Works great. I'm using a cheap $50 Harbor Freight one.
  2. Thinner leathers mold better, 'tis true, but you can still make stuff from 12-14oz leather. I do it all the time for my unit's skull masks.
  3. hivemind


    Oh gawd, don't do that. Some things cannot be unseen.
  4. That's nice. You should sell it to me.
  5. There's a third layer of leather between the top and the bottom. It's called a welt. It protects the stitching.
  6. I have found that they do tend to be very helpful as well. Now if I could just figure out how to attach buttcaps on hidden tang handles...
  7. I see that one around here too Ramrod.
  8. hivemind


    Honeslty, it's all about safe surfing habits. I have not ran an antivirus program on any of my PCs (five at last count for personal use) in at least three years. About once a year, I install and update ComboFix and MBAM and run them just to check; they never find a thing, so I uninstall them. Just remember: If it says it's free, it usually isn't. If it claims to help, it probably won't. If it offers you great porn, it's probably goatse.
  9. Finished this the other day. Made the dagger and the scabbard/frog combo. I am, without a doubt, the world's worst photographer. Oh, and, sewing this with the Boss in five minutes instead of an hour of saddle stitching was blissful...
  10. RLW, I just noticed this. You're not making those from garment leather, are you? Those are like 2-3oz vegetan? And where'd you get that little triskelion stamp?
  11. That's a good point, I pretty much only work in 12oz+ leather these days. Lighter stuff, just to keep your sleeves out of your soup, is probably pretty forgiving.
  12. Nice clean work Maureen. Also: go greyhound adopters! I have two at home now.
  13. hivemind


    Care to tell a new knifemaker how you attached that turquoise buttcap so that it won't ever come off? I've been scratching my head about this for weeks - how to attach buttcaps on hidden tang knives.
  14. All good advice you're getting from RLW. Personally, I've given up on strapped bracers and will only make laced ones. The strap ones seem to always slide down no matter what. I do one lacing hole per inch, about a half-inch in from the edge. I also generally wet-mold the bracer and try to bend up the wrist area for comfort, like so:
  15. Ahh, not what I had envisioned. I was thinking more like a floating joint around the neck hole connecting the two pieces. Thanks for posting that. It's nice work.
  16. Here, I'll start. Me and the spawn:
  17. I think I understand, but if you'd show us a picture of the underside, I'd be eternally grateful.
  18. Yeah yeha... Remember how wonderful your weather is when you fall into the ocean.

    1. Spinner


      Been there done that...except it was just me and not the whole state. ;)

  19. That is nice. You're using Sam Browne studs on the lower part, and a buckle on the collar? How do you attach the collar to the lower part?
  20. Like you said, the strong side reload thing just doesn't work in practical situations. Good looking work though.
  21. With that kind of price difference, you should consider buying two and having a spare or a second production area. I know that we go through this issue with IT gear all the time. We can buy one Cisco Catalyst 48-port switch at about $2500 plus annual maintenance fee, or we can buy two HP ProCurve 48-port switches with a lifetime warranty and no annual maintenance fee for about $900 each, and have one racked right below the other as a hot spare in case there's a a problem with the first one. Guess which one we do?
  22. Hah! You're the ######ing MAN! Well done!
  23. The new Tandy one is a massive improvement over the old one. I have one and like it a lot.
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