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Everything posted by hivemind

  1. So, at the risk of sounding too harsh: You won't travel to shows or events, you can't make any noise, you can't use any chemicals, you won't ship small items, you won't ship big items, you won't do much hand sewing, you won't get a machine, and, finally, you're scared of guns and dogs and horses and motorcycles. Sounds like painting watercolors on posterboard is the hobby you need.
  2. Not really. I guess I should get my photographer friend to do a few pics of it now that it's done.
  3. Like this: Different pair, same design.
  4. I dunno. I haven't really made anything I'd sell on it yet, and haven't' settled on anything other than using black thread not white. Tried a whole helmet yesterday, but clearly my pattern needs tweaking for machine sewing because it's freaking HUGE. I"m going to sew up a leather bottle today and see how that goes.
  5. Going to make one of these tomorrow, now that I have a sewing machine. I think I'm going to use whitetail antler for a stopper.
  6. I've been doing leatherwork for about ten years now. I just got my first stitching machine this week.
  7. Why did I wait this long to buy a sewing machine?

  8. Playing with the Boss. This here is two lames of a helmet: That connection used to be eleven rivets and fifteen to twenty minutes of my life. With the Boss, that took less than three minutes. No hole punching, ho hammering, just some pulling on a lever. I loves me some technologies.
  9. You ever get out to Fort Stanwix in Rome, NY? You should come out for a weekend, I'd come sit at your table with you and we could pick each other's brains and have some lunch.
  10. I generally tool, then form. I also avoid tooling on areas that are going to be formed, because when they stretch it messes up my tooling.
  11. Awesome man, that's what I'm talking about. I want a knife sheath or a dagger scabbard to go from two hours to 15 minutes. I want helmet construction time to go from three hours to 30 minutes. I need to start busting out some serious volume (in my basement shop, in my spare time )
  12. The errors are nothing to be concerned about, for example, the W32Time one is just Windows trying to sync it's clock with an external time server. On 7 January was your internet down or off for a while? That would easily explain that one. No need to answer, since we don't need to chase it down. Just food for thought to explain that one error. The others are all similarly unimportant, especially in the low frequencies you're describing. If your event log was full of DCOM errors, we might want to chase that, but just a few is nothing to worry about. I'd say that you're not about to lose your hard drive. Most likely there was something in a fan (piece of thread or whatever) or your CD Rom drive had a hiccup and wouldn't eject for some reason. Happens sometimes. Does your CD Rom drive eject immediately when you push the button on the front?
  13. Got an email from them, they're shipping it today. If I'm lucky, it'll get here before the wife gets home...
  14. Hell with it, this makes my head hurt. Just bought a Boss and made the business AmEx squeal in pain.
  15. Am I better off with something like a Techsew GA5-1R?
  16. I'll be honest, one of the reasons I want a Boss is that they seem to resell really well. My inability to buy one used over the last few months for less than about $900-$1000 means that I think that if this one isn't enough, I can buy a bigger one and dump this one fast for 3/4ths of what I paid for it. That said, I'm willing to entertain recommendations for other machines, but my budget for this whole project is about $1500...
  17. Denise, Many things can cause a computer to make a clicking noise. It is NOT necessarily your hard drive. You could have something in a fan, a wonky cd drive, or a few other things. Best to make sure before you go through all the trouble of a new hard drive. Go to your Control Panel, into Administrative Tools, into Event Viewer, then click on the "System" entry on the list on the left side. Do you see a lot of errors (X in a red circle) with a "Source" of Disk? If you do, it's time to back up and get a new HDD. If you don't, look around that log a bit and tell me what you do see in the way of errors. There are many things that will show up as errors that are not particularly worrisome, and a few that are. Just give me a general idea of the amount of particular errors (not Warnings or Information entries) and I can help more. Don't worry, I'm a professional. I do this every day, all day.
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