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About CampbellRandall

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    Houston, TX USA

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  1. 5 or 6 mm would be about right for the tool, if the center had threads. Might be that the old ejector was damaged and separated from the bell. Could you post a picture of the shaft center?
  2. The smooth center hole is to receive the ejector. Ejector has a threaded hole, used to install and position it with a tool https://campbell-randall.com/product/fav-322-scrap-ejector-press-fit
  3. Have you used an oil stone to deburr the inside of the blade edge?
  4. Singermania - I'm not trying to be an elitist or cause contention. I was simply stating that the only parts directly interchangeable are the feet and feed stones, as you noted. The mechanics on the Asian skivers are different and not interchangeable with Fortuna. The Asian skivers also have different feed system than the Fortuna / FAV machines (independent clutch or variable speed from the knife). From a distance a KIA might look like a BWM, but that does not make them the same. The Asian machines are a fine solution for many people - our customers are mostly high production / high demand industries so we have different needs. No insult intended.
  5. The only parts that remain somewhat interchangeable in the skiving world are blades and accessories (feet, feed wheels etc). Grind stones, belts, general replacement parts differ across the brands.The Asian skivers, in my opinion, are copies of copies - more imitations than clones. FAV follows the Fortuna design (the industry benchmark) better than any other machine on the market. FAV is still made in Italy, 60 years under the same family, with most parts directly interchangeable with the classic Fortuna skivers (current generation Fortunas are on a different platform). We sell and support both FAV and Fortuna brands. Fortuna is a fantastic machine, but few can afford the new cost. FAV is a strong contender in factory production and a good value.
  6. FAV makes an excellent machine. Here is a basic overview of a bottom feed machine.
  7. You can also buy inexpensive practice dummies... http://www.brownells.com/gunsmith-tools-supplies/general-gunsmith-tools/cartridge-dummies/45-gap-orange-qty-10-sku729000088-9923-49140.aspx?cm_mmc=cse-_-Itwine-_-shoppingpla-_-Saf-T-Trainers Dummy Rounds&gdffi=4c10f1ff40354714b834b0032f76348a&gdfms=D82C7AFA39224BEFA8355269C114381C
  8. I agree. Most the machines we sell have a feed system independent of the knife because they do a much better job when trying to control the work. The basic machines can be adapted to use more than one motor, but it can get messy fitting the table with all the extra slots, belts and motors. The OEM machines are already designed for multi-motor setups.
  9. Yes - we are a stocking distributor for Fortuna and other original machine manufacturers. Sounds like this could be an AV/AS320?
  10. As Trox explained, there's a wide variety of options with OEM European skiving machines. The Fortuna 50S includes a mechanical clutch in the head, allowing the knife to operate as high speed, and the clutch controlling the feed independently. The Fortuna V50S is the basic models designed to use a clutch motor. The knife and feed are connected into one drive, so as you slow the feed, the knife slows, reducing the cut quality We also sell the Italian made FAV skivers, available in a variety of systems. The Asian skivers offer only the most basic feed system. Nippy was one of the original companies to copy "build a machine inspired by" an old Fortuna design (later copied by the Chinese). You will find the only parts compatible with a Fortuna are the knives, feet and feed wheels. Everything else is different. Your local vendor would have to be creative in mounting the motors, because there is simply not enough room to put everything under the table using generic motors. You either need a mechanical clutch system (only found on the OEM machines) or a small gear head motor with a modified machine head.
  11. Totally - veg tan is normally the only leather that responds well to cold pressure. Heated tools can "iron" in the impression better, and also leave better contrast with the burn.
  12. This is actually a perforation machine, not a sewing machine (notice the brass punch pad on the base) Their contribution is a heated punch head for decorative marking. We stock this model in the US... Model RP
  13. Like BigMatt said, this is strictly for decorative stitching, invented for a different look but no real function Kind of like the old harness feet with overstitch points, but coarser and with heat. Here is a close up where you can see the heater cartridge inserted into the side of the foot and the dark indentions around the stitch hole.
  14. If you are doing this to estimate cost for a project, my dad had a simple method. Weigh the hide when it comes in, then divide the total cost by the lb/kg (tag the hide for future reference) After cutting your parts, throw them on the scale... x cost per weight = easy math.
  15. CBMC DANDY DAUBER http://www.campbell-randall.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=dandy&product_id=171
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