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Everything posted by tardis86

  1. what do you use instead of a thonging chisel in thick leather? and what glue do you recommend?
  2. the last 2 projects i have done havent turned out so well. for starters, when i tried using my chisel to punch the holes, the glue didn't hold and made it all crooked as seen top left. i then tried using a dremel to drill the holes with not much more luck. i use rubber cement to glue stuff together, should i get something better? should i maybe punch the holes in the front piece first to make it easier to go through the back piece? is the leather too thick? i feel like im missing something here, i put alot of time in this stuff and it looks like crap. any helpful ideas are appreciated.
  3. nice find! I never get that lucky. congrats!
  4. NICE JOB! all of my first projects turn out like crap. makes me wonder if I should do this or not.
  5. yep, that's what im asking, lol. how do others organize their workspace/ workshop? I struggle with wanting to be organized, but sucking at it. Maybe if others have pics or something and explain how they organize a bit, maybe i cant take some others ideas and retro fit them for my work area. This is such a helpful bunch of folks in here, all of your help has been greatly appreciated. thanks!
  6. It looks like a glorified soldering iron
  7. how do you heat seal leather? a google search didn't turn up much
  8. Wouldn't dying the leather be enough?
  9. So I'm trying to make my first wallet and i am using a thin sheep's skin for the interior and i cant figure out how to burnish the edges. When i get it wet and try to burnish the edges with my wood slicker its too flimsy and it seems like the leather is just stretching. Any ideas? thanks
  10. What thickness leather does everyone use for pancake style holsters? I plan to buy some soon and I want to get the right stuff. I figure I will probably only be making pancake style at first, iwb and owb thanks
  11. 1. yea the holes look like poop, thats why i started another thread asking how others do it 2. the stohlman book i have said to stitch in the thickness of the leather, so apparently that was maybe just a general starting point. idk 3. the front piece i cant be held responsible for,lol i learn by doing. i can watch 1000 youtube videos but i have to actually do things a few times before it starts to click. that's why i bought low quality leather to practice on, because i know i'm gonna mess up a bit before i get it right. but thanks for the input!
  12. not offended at all, actually most of what you pointed out, I already noticed. I learned about the sharp corners after I finished stitching, lol. I said to myself "I don't like the look of that" I also don't have an overstitcher yet, im still working on limited tools. nor do I have a good sander to make edges more even. (also on the list) also none of the guns I have fit the holster,( which is why that part looks like crap) it was just a practice project with cheap leather so I can see my mistakes before forking out the big bucks on top price leather. also I don't like my burnished edges... I think I need a bigger edge beveler I think, aside from that, im not sure what else. I expect constructive criticism. as in " here's what I noticed, try this next time to fix that"
  13. According to springfield the slot is 1/4" wide. would that be big enough?
  14. NICE JOB! how did you finish your edges?
  15. I'm considering the 1 5/8" punch. i think that might be a happy medium. just slightly over 1.5" but not way over http://springfieldleather.com/16571/Punch%2COblong%2C%23151%2C1-5-8%22/
  16. hmm.. I would have thought to go a bit bigger, I would have thought it would be too snug to get an 1.5" belt through easily
  17. to those who make holsters, what size belt holes do you typically make and where did you buy the punch? (assuming you use a punch) I have tried by hand and it looks like crap. thanks!
  18. i noticed you sell holsters and belts.. what do you use for those?
  19. To those who make holsters and gun belts and such, what type/brand of sewing machine do you use? Im debating if i want to go big at some point and i know its a huge purchase. I want to make gun belts and holsters, but if i sew all that by hand (especially belts) it will take too long, and lets face it, time is money.. thanks for your input. Josh
  20. This is my first holster attempt, I used a JLS leather template for a glock 19 (which i don't even own! lol. so a big thanks goes to JLS Leather for the free patterns he offers. the pics are of it still wet, i tried to see if it would fit my ruger... it doesnt. i have not put any finish on it yet either.
  21. I plan to make 1.5 inch wide belts for gun belts
  22. Horray!
  23. Think we will ever see a mobile app for the forums?
  24. I'm sure everyone's answer will be ..DUH! lol but seriously.. I went To the local Tandy and bought over $100 worth of items and bought the Gold membership before i knew any better. then a week or so later i discover Springfield leather and there prices are WAY cheaper, and if you own a business, the wholesale club is free, making it even cheaper. I'm not trying to knock Tandy. The lady in the store was very helpful and patient with my 500 questions, but dang! The prices on most things aren't even close. I guess I just wanted to share my thoughts on that. Do alot of you buy from tandy or shop elsewhere due to price?
  25. nice job
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