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Everything posted by K5HEP

  1. I really like your design - I am going to borrow your idea and make one for my wife. I still carry a flip phone - so it will not work for my use...
  2. Welcome to the forum... Here are a couple of Tandy's pattern packs that could be a place to start in your quest... Either could be modified to suit your needs... https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/saddle-scabbard-pattern-pack https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/rifle-case-pattern-pack
  3. I did the same thing, but went in a different direction. I made some changes to a JLS Glock 19 pattern to fit a Kahr CW45 pistol and changed his 1911 magazine pattern to fit the mag...
  4. The stiffener is centered between the front and rear stitch lines with 1/4" gap between it and the stitch lines on both sides. Perfect for the rear but needs to be just a hair closer to the front stitch line. I did not skive the stiffener - the holster is 8-9oz and the stiffener is 4-5oz piece of scrap and it worked great...
  5. This is a work in progress and I am far from being finished, but I wanted to get a pic before returning the pistol to the owner. Jeff do you recognize the holster pattern? I was the person that contacted you on Etsy. Thanks again to Jeff at JLS Leather for the great patterns he creates...
  6. Click here to find what you are looking for...
  7. This is my first attempt at any sort of leatherwork and my first post on the forum. I live in Texas and we just started open carry at the first of the year - so I needed an OWB holster for my 1911. I have been lurking around this forum for a good while and have learned a lot by reading the posts and looking at the pictures. I would like to say "thank you" to all of the members for their very informative posts - there is a great wealth of knowledge to be found here. I would also like to say a special "thank you" to JLS Leather for the holster and magazine pouch pattern... My holster is far from perfect, but its fit and function are great and it works well for me. Although this was my first project, I am sure that it will not be my last. My skills are limited and my resources are shallow, but that will not stop me from continuing my new found hobby... Again - a big "thank you" to this forum and its members...
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