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Everything posted by K5HEP

  1. Check out this thread - it appears to be what you are looking for...
  2. K5HEP

    collar spikes

    You might try here... I have no affiliation with them...
  3. https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/product/1862/cigar-case-pattern
  4. Here is a link to an interesting article written by James H Nottage discussing the "Bolin Brand"
  5. I am not sure if this will help, but if all else fails, you can buy a mini saddle kit here https://www.riorondo.com/ I have no affiliation to this site and know nothing about the products sold on it.
  6. This is what I use... This thing cuts with heat and burns the ends at the same time... https://www.amazon.com/Berkley-BTHLC-Hot-Line-Cutter/dp/B004DIH2DS
  7. I work a lot in the Lubbock area - Slaton, Post, Wolfforth, etc. I spent all of last week down there - not a bad town, but it is a busy place...
  8. You can do that with these as well - just depends on how you want to make it work for you...
  9. I put this together to go with a matching holster for a Charter Arms Bulldog pistol...
  10. Check out this video - This guy gives a very detailed description of what you are wanting to do and mentions where you can find the tools and hardware...
  11. I think they are referring to "Aslan" who is a lion character in The Chronicle of Narnia movie series...
  12. Does anyone have a Glock 30 gun mold that they would be willing to loan ? I would gladly put up a deposit for its return. Just not worth it for me to buy one for a single holster...
  13. After I read your first post, I have been looking for some old cowboy boots to make a holster. I have been visiting my local thrift stores and flea markets in my search and have not found a single pair. I will continue to look though - I really like your idea. Maybe I will find a suitable donor pair when the weather gets better and the yard sales start up..
  14. The key to using Sno Seal is warming up the leather to open up the pores. For small items I use the kitchen oven set at 150 deg F and for larger item such as boots, I will use the wife's hair dryer. I work it in really well with my hands and let the piece set out in the hot sun afterwards. As Josh stated, for a little shine a bar of glycerin saddle soap will do a good job...
  15. Sno Seal works great for any outdoor leather use. I use it on everything from holsters to boots. Do some google research and see what you think. I highly recommend it...
  16. I know very little about a Jeep, but I do own a Samurai. It will go places that most Jeeps only dream of...
  17. I believe that you are correct - there was on for sale on this forum a little over a year ago...
  18. I live in Amarillo, TX and I buy a good bit of leather from Panhandle Leather. They are a great bunch of guys and I would highly recommend giving them a try. I have it good since I live less than 2 miles from them and I can just drop in and pick out what I need. They do a lot of business with saddle and boot makers in the Texas panhandle, but I think that the majority of their business now comes from the internet...
  19. Yes - I have use my kydex press to mold leather holsters with no issues. I am not sure where the 20 ton press idea comes from - that is not what is used for kydex molding. Using a kydex press for a leather holster is a good start for the molding process, but you still end up using your hands and some sort of tool to finish it... This is a kydex press ;
  20. I live in Texas and I am confused as well. As I understand it, the term transgendered refers to an individual that does not agree with their birth gender. For example a person born with male genitalia wants to identify as being a girl and / or a person born with female genitalia wanting to identify as being a male. Texas is currently battling the issue with transgendered person’s use of public restrooms. The federal government started this issue way back when and several states have mandated the “transgendered restroom”. The problem with this is they (transgendered) feel they are being singled out in life I agree with JLS on this issue – I have a problem with a 40 year man dressed as a woman going into the lady’s room that my daughter or wife may be in, just because he claims to be transgendered. If a person has male parts, HE should have to go to the “men’s” restroom and if a person has female parts, then SHE should go to the “lady’s” restroom. It should not matter as to what gender they relate to, but with what parts they are born with… Now this is my opinion and each person is entitled to his or her opinion…
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