If anyone has interest in this stitching horse, please let me know. I already have two that I like and have rehabbed so I can use them. I just don't have room for another one. I am just learning hand stitching, getting another one would be putting the horse before the stitch. I also have a small acquisition addiction and you will help me heal by removing this temptation. When you review the photos, you will see the screw allows for a large piece to be worked on. I am hoping that someone here knows the specific application. In any event, this is on craigslist in Vermont and I do not think anyone else has inquired about it. I would hate to see something like this go to the dump and be lost. If anyone has an interest, I will negotiate the best deal, currently he is asking for 80.00, and I will break it down for shipment. I am nearly positive I can ship it through Greyhound for about $50.00. I am not looking to make money on this, just pay for the box, shipping and reimburse me for the ultimate cost. The owner claims the top of the jaws are not steel based on the patina. He emailed me this morning and told me the screw turns well, is tight, but it works.
Obviously, if there is interest outside the US or Canada, the Greyhound idea won't work. Their buses do not do well in salt water. So, whatever the cost of shipping would be. This looks like it could be disassembled, box support legs removed and shipped as a smaller package. New owner can rebuild legs the way she or he would like. I will take good photos to make it easy.
If you are interested, let me know here or send me a message.