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About Brown64

  • Birthday 10/06/1964

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  • MSN

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  • Interests
    all things art, chameleons, model trains, fishing, wood carving.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    wallets, belts, bible covers, guitare straps, and such
  • Interested in learning about
    everything about leather tooling
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Looks really good to me can't wait to see the finished piece. The basket weave on the front looks fine to me the only criticism I could see would have been to make the whole thing more symmetrical. But that's in the interpretation of the artist if you ask me. I like it.
  2. Looks really good!
  3. Thanks for the nice comments guys.
  4. here is the latest a camera strap for my daughter.
  5. Interesting detail work on the banjo and case. Is it tooled and antiqued only, or did you use dye or paint to bring out the details? YinTx Yes I used acrylic to help bring out the shadows.
  6. Thanks, the scripture is one of my favorites as well. Thank you.
  7. One of the last wallets I did.
  8. Beautiful! Do you seal the leather before you paint it? That is what I do so I can use washes to get the coloring, and shadowing to look right. However I find the paint is easer to chip sometimes after it is dry. If you do seal it first what sealer do you use? If you don't how do you achieve these colors, and shadows without the leather soaking it up? Sorry for all the questions, but figure carving is my favorite, and you are about the best I have seen, so who better to ask.
  9. Save your money, and buy a Tandy Craftool Pro, or a Berry King preferably the last one. They are both very good knifes around $50.00, and you won't regret your purchase.
  10. Thanks. Mom liked it a lot glad to make her happy.
  11. Very nice I really like what you did with the basket weave. As for as your cuts they look fine to me. Did you notice it before the finish was added? I notice when you add moisture like a dye, or wet finish is makes the leather swell a little, which makes the cut lines show up more. If you take a beveller to it it will diminish, but that will most likely mess up your finish. like I said the look fine to me I think your like most of us just to hard on yourself.
  12. Sorry about the double post, it said something went wrong, so I thought I had to resize my photos.
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