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Posts posted by mendedbowl

  1. it looks like the camera was almost directly overhead, looking down onto the item laying flat on a surface...there is a cast shadow on all four sides...so i would say he used a light box with four lights (one on each side ) but with more intense light coming from the bottom right corner in the picture as it appears here.

    hope this helps.

    someone had a wonderful plan for a light box in another thread. it may be worth searching.


  2. Hi Ed (BearMan),

    do you mind telling me more about your lead shot bag? I've been considering making one for myself, but i'm unsure about how big or heavy i want it.

    do you find yours very useful? does it get in your way any? any suggestions on improvements, or what not to do? any help would be much appreciated.


  3. man that is a great design! is that an original idea? i love the tooling

    i like the money symbol on the spider's back too...great for a wallet.

    i would try to make that stand out...either traditional black widow orange...or a bright green for money. i like Tom's ideas for the background and web...but i would try to make the spider a very slick shiny black so it stands out against the background. good luck

    i think it's a great wallet idea.


  4. hi sara,

    may i ask where you bought the leather? and what exactly was it called? was it labeled as tooling leather or something else? when you said "slightly sueded in areas" it made me thing you might have gotten something different than what you were wanting. was it the veg tan splits from tandy item number 9826-00?


  5. showing how this is done in a class would be great..but i would love to see this on DVD also.

    i'm sure there are many people like me who learn better by watching something over and over again. (i have a large and still growing collection of DVDs from artists such as Robert Beard, Rene Berends, Shirley Peterson, George Hurst, and Chuck Burrows, and i've watched each one several times.)

    i think it would be a wonderful learning tool, and a way to archive great artists for future generations if tutorials such as this one were also committed to video. (i know i would love to buy videos of figure carving such as this wren, motor cycle seat construction, armor making, floggers and paddles, corsets, and other leather garments...this is just my wish list, i'm sure there are many other topics that would be desired by others.)

    Clay you're a gifted artist, very clear with your step by step explanations, and this wren is beautiful. please consider a DVD video.


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