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About PonyEdwards

  • Birthday 08/14/1956

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  • Location
    St. Paul, Minnesota
  • Interests
    History, Science Fiction & Fantasy Fiction, 19th Century Historical Re-enacting, Costume, Cosplay, molding leather

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    small leather goods & sculptural art
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  1. You mentioned in a post that you have a pfaff 130-6 that you converted to treadle. Other than fitting the sewing head to the cabinet, did you have to do anything to the machine to get it to sew okay?

     I’ve been toying with this idea for quite awhile and since I think I might need a new motor, I might just take the leap and convert it to treadle.

    Thanks for your answer.

    1. cdthayer


      I replaced the Pfaff hand wheel with an aftermarket 9-spoke (for Singers) to get a larger wheel on it.  Otherwise, I don’t recall doing anything else to the machine.

      The treadle was a standard household Singer base that I mounted the top from a parted-out electric cabinet on. I used a plumb bob to align the hand wheel pulley and the flywheel pulley when mounting the top on the base.

      I sold that unit to a lady back in 2014 shortly after I put it together, and didn’t use it much myself.  I never heard anything back from her, and I’m sure I would have if she’d had problems with it.  We had our sewing shop open until the summer of 2019, so I was easy to contact.

      CD in Oklahoma



    2. PonyEdwards


      Thanks. Would the machine work okay with its original wheel?

  2. The uniqueness of the Mills belts, were that the cartridge loops were woven, not sewn in place. But modern recreations are usually sewn.
  3. You wanted an image of the sewing up close. Is there an email address that you could provide me, so that I can send you the images that I have of an original prairie belt?
  4. I make the sewn on version, every so often. Most of the reproductions available for sale are the sewn on loops version. In the 1891 Ordnance Memoranda #29 you’ll find the description for the Mills belts worn by the Cavalry.
  5. I imagine that you’ve gotten your patcher by now and have watched all of the videos on YouTube and elsewhere on how to use your machine? I’m curious as to whether your machine came with any instructions or parts manual? Did your machine have the bobbin winder attachment? thanks
  6. How would nineteenth century holster and cartridge belt makers stitch the chape and billet to a canvas cartridge belt? Would they have glued the pieces in place, or just held them as they went?
  7. Does anyone remember using a product called Uni-tak adhesive? I believe it was either a contact cement or something very similar to neoweld. Thanks
  8. For those of you who know how to repair Singer 29K machines, are the parts I’m pointing at with the red arrows the parts I need to fix the sloppy stitch length of my Singer 29K-58? There are a couple of videos on YouTube on restoring a Singer 29K-33, and Singer 29K-51. On both of these videos they show removing the balance wheel and the drive wheel? Is removing this piece necessary to remove the section of the machine that houses the parts I need to replace? Thanks
  9. Have you considered making your own? I made my own from some maple pieces glued together and then cut to size with a bandsaw. As you can see, mines a bit heavier than the ones you can buy, and if I were to make another one, I’d definitely go thinner. The ones you get commercially made in England or France are much lighter in weight, but all function pretty much the same.
  10. Your best option is to look online for information on the care and feeding of your machine. One thing to keep in mind is that most of the 29K models work the same. When I just looked, there was quite a bit of information about the 29k70. I currently have a 29k58 in need of a rebuild, but I was able to download a copy of the owners manual from a couple of different sources, and found it to be quite helpful. In fact, following the instructions, I was finally able to resolve an issue that I’d had problems with for many years. So, clean off the crud, read the manual and have fun. Also, I believe there are still quite a few parts available for this machine.
  11. It’s been quite some time since you originally posted this. Have you found the time to make it yet, or succumbed to purchasing another craftsman’s work? Though I’ve not taken the time to read through all of your replies, did you ever mention what bra size your recipient wore? I’ll attach a couple of the pieces I create should you be interested?
  12. Did you ever find your pattern?
  13. One of the best sites you'll find for all things Cowboy and other nineteenth century Old West topics is www.cascity.com. I did a bit of checking for you, to make sure they had what I think you want. Once on the site, you'll want to check out the forums button. Then "the Leather Shop" page. Type in "chaps" and you'll be all set. There are several varieties listed, and photos of originals to assist you in your project. Have fun. Oh, you may have to become a member, but it's free. I've included a photo of a pair of 1895 Meana chaps.
  14. Just a thought, but since the color is bleeding off in the rain, have you thought about just wetting them down and letting all the excess dye wash out, and then redying them? It sort of sounds like either they used the wrong dyeing process, or perhaps too much dye was used. Since they're biker leathers, I'm guessing they're made from a chrome leather, so the problem may have originated at the tannery.
  15. If you're still trying to color match for this, I suggest angelus dyes. The color they call spice.
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